Articles, Acts Megan Taylor Articles, Acts Megan Taylor

Stay in the Boat: God’s Promises Won’t Let You Down!

As Paul sailed for Rome as a prisoner in Acts 27, the voyage became dangerous. A tempestuous wind struck down and caused a bumpy ride for the passengers. The situation felt so hopeless that scripture say, "all hope of being saved was abandoned." I am sure many of us can some what relate to this story metaphorically. Ever been in a storm of life that felt so uncontrollable, you felt tossed and turned and bruised from one heartache to another?

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

But God…

We are not promised a life full of ease and peace and sunshine and rainbows. But we are promised that God will always be with us. And realizing the power of that truth, changes everything.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Pineapples and Sex

Pineapples were once sold for as much as $8,000. But most people – if they could get their hands on one wouldn’t even eat it. They would display it in their home until it rotted, often having viewing parties, where people would come over and a pineapple would be unveiled.

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