Genesis 13 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 13. In Genesis 13, Abram, Sarai, and Lot move from Egypt back to Canaan. At the end of the chapter, God reaffirms His covenant with Abraham.
Genesis 12 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 12. Genesis 12 tells the story of God’s promise to Abraham to make him a great nation and Abram and Sarai’s journey from Haran, to Canaan, and down to Egypt.
Genesis 11 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 11. Genesis 11 tells the story of the Tower of Babel and God diversifying the languages of the earth. The second part of the chapter records the genealogy of Shem to Abraham.
Genesis 10 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 10. Genesis 10 is a genealogy (family tree) of the descendants of Noah and his three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Genesis 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 9. In Genesis 9, God made a covenant with Noah that He would not flood the entire earth again. He made the rainbow the sign of His covenant. At the end of the chapter, Noah got drunk and his son Ham dishonored him. Noah cursed Ham’s son Canaan.
Genesis 8 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 8. In Genesis 8, God caused the waters of the flood to subside. Noah sent a raven and a dove out of the ark before him, his family, and all the animals exited safely on to the new dry earth.
Genesis 7 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 7. In Genesis 7, Noah and his family entered the ark and God flooded the entire world. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and all living things that lived on the dry land were killed.
Genesis 6 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 6. In Genesis 6 we are told that almost everyone on earth was wicked and violent. God was so angry that He decided to destroy the earth with a flood. Only Noah, a righteous man, and his family would be saved by building an ark of gopher wood.
Genesis 5 Summary in 5 Minutes
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 5. Genesis 5 records the genealogy (family tree) of Seth, Adam and Eve’s son. The chapter covers the period of time from the creation of the world to the flood of Noah’s day.
Genesis 4 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 4, In Genesis 4, Cain killed his brother Abel and was exiled as a fugitive to wander the earth.
Genesis 3 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 3, In Genesis 3, the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After Eve and Adam both ate the forbidden fruit, God removed them from the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 2 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 2, In Genesis 2, we are told God rested on the 7th day after creating the world. The chapter also recounted the creation of man and woman in more detail than chapter 1. Adam was created from the dust of the ground and Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs.
Genesis 1 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 1. Genesis chapter 1 contains the story of how God created the world in 6 days. He created light, earth, seas, plants, fish, livestock, planets, stars, and man in His image.
Who was David in the Bible?
David is a very important character in God’s story. He is most famous for killing a Philistine giant, Goliath, with a sling and a stone. He was the second king of Israel after Saul. He was the author of many Psalms and is quoted by Jesus and the New Testament authors.
Stay in the Boat: God’s Promises Won’t Let You Down!
As Paul sailed for Rome as a prisoner in Acts 27, the voyage became dangerous. A tempestuous wind struck down and caused a bumpy ride for the passengers. The situation felt so hopeless that scripture say, "all hope of being saved was abandoned." I am sure many of us can some what relate to this story metaphorically. Ever been in a storm of life that felt so uncontrollable, you felt tossed and turned and bruised from one heartache to another?
Christians Won’t Change the World Until They Stop Funding the Enemy
One of the reasons large corporations, studios, and celebrities don’t think twice about vocally supporting immorality is because they know Christians will keep paying them.
What was Solomon’s Portico (Colonnade) in the Bible?
The colonnade on the eastern side of the Temple complex was known as Solomon’s colonnade, porch, or portico. It likely bore Solomon’s name because it was built against the same eastern wall Solomon constructed as part of the original Temple project.
What was the Hour of Prayer in the Bible - Acts 3
In Acts 3:1 we are told Peter and John went to the Temple at the “hour of prayer, the ninth hour.” What was the hour of prayer and from where did the Jew’s practice of praying at specific hours originate?
Pineapples and Sex
Pineapples were once sold for as much as $8,000. But most people – if they could get their hands on one wouldn’t even eat it. They would display it in their home until it rotted, often having viewing parties, where people would come over and a pineapple would be unveiled.