Articles, Exodus Luke Taylor Articles, Exodus Luke Taylor

What are the 10 Commandments?

What were the 10 Commandments? They are one of the most famous parts of the Bible and their story intertwines with that of Moses and the Israelites. In this article we will discuss the background of the commandments, when they were written, to whom they were written, and how they fit into the story of the Bible.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Coins in the Offering Tray

Do you look down on people who put coins in the offering tray? This article is for you. It is human nature to want to judge other people for their “inferior” offerings, but it is not God’s nature.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Out of Isolation and Into Community

Sometimes, we get to a place in life where we feel like we should know something. Or that we have to have everything figured out on our own. Shame steps in and convinces us that surely we cannot ask for help in a certain situation because we are an adult, and they would think we are incapable... But friends, there is SO much power in asking for help, no matter the situation. The Bible literally drips with encouragement to seek counsel in community.

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Articles, Acts Megan Taylor Articles, Acts Megan Taylor

Stay in the Boat: God’s Promises Won’t Let You Down!

As Paul sailed for Rome as a prisoner in Acts 27, the voyage became dangerous. A tempestuous wind struck down and caused a bumpy ride for the passengers. The situation felt so hopeless that scripture say, "all hope of being saved was abandoned." I am sure many of us can some what relate to this story metaphorically. Ever been in a storm of life that felt so uncontrollable, you felt tossed and turned and bruised from one heartache to another?

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

But God…

We are not promised a life full of ease and peace and sunshine and rainbows. But we are promised that God will always be with us. And realizing the power of that truth, changes everything.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Pineapples and Sex

Pineapples were once sold for as much as $8,000. But most people – if they could get their hands on one wouldn’t even eat it. They would display it in their home until it rotted, often having viewing parties, where people would come over and a pineapple would be unveiled.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

SEPARATION is the Difference between JESUS and ABORTION

The debate surrounding when life begins is essentially over. For years, supporters of abortion argued that the practice did not constitute taking a life because life didn’t begin until late pregnancy/birth. But the scientific facts have beaten down this line of reasoning so thoroughly that is has been mostly entirely abandoned. No relevant scientist continues to argue against the position that life begins at conception or shortly thereafter.

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Articles, Psalm Megan Taylor Articles, Psalm Megan Taylor

Psalm 119: 25-32 Daleth

Have you ever been so broken you can feel the physical pain in your heart from the emotional wreckage that is going on inside you? Maybe it was the loss of a relationship, child, spouse, or some other beloved person; maybe it was the burdens you were carrying (physical illness, financial hardships so deep you can't see a way out, decisions that seem impossible, children being rebellious, marriage falling apart, losing your career etc). I want you to look at those emotions and ask yourself: have you ever felt that way about your sin?

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Like a Wineskin in Smoke

Our God is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3). So if you find yourself in need of comfort, in this post I want to invite you to dig into His word with me. The words that sparked my inspiration for this post are found in Psalm 119:82-83. The Psalmist writes, “ My eyes fail from searching Your word, Saying, When will You comfort me? For I have become like a wineskin in smoke, Yet I do not forget Your statutes.”

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Lessons From the Demon Possessed Man

I was reading the encounter of the demon possessed man found in Mark 5 and walked away with a few lessons I would like to share. Have you ever have been in a situation that seemed hopeless? Or tried to help someone you couldn’t because only the Grace of God could reach them? Let me introduce you to the demon possessed man.

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Psalm, Articles Megan Taylor Psalm, Articles Megan Taylor

Psalm 119:17-24 - Gimel

“Deal bountifully with your servant” the writer proclaims. I love how the writer boldly asks for a blessing, but comes to God in humility as he uses the phrase, “Your servant.” He demonstrates that he believes God blesses His people in big ways and he recognizes his total dependence on God.

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Psalm, Articles Megan Taylor Psalm, Articles Megan Taylor

Psalm 119:9-16 - Beth

In Psalm 119:9-16, the writer of this psalm shows how we can “take root” in the good soil—> by guarding our way by The Word—>which means to lead your heart with the Wisdom of God’s Word, don’t follow it in its fickle emotions that are every changing with the current of the world.

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