SEPARATION is the Difference between JESUS and ABORTION
The debate surrounding when life begins is essentially over. For years, supporters of abortion argued that the practice did not constitute taking a life because life didn’t begin until late pregnancy/birth. But the scientific facts have beaten down this line of reasoning so thoroughly that is has been mostly entirely abandoned. No relevant scientist continues to argue against the position that life begins at conception or shortly thereafter.
Acts 28 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 28, In Acts 28, Paul is hosted by the locals of Malta and heals the father of Publius. After 3 months, Paul's ship sets sail for Rome. In Rome, Paul meets the local Jewish leaders and teaches them about Jesus.
Acts 27 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 27, In Acts 27, Paul sails from Caesarea to Rome, but his ship is caught in a strong windstorm and shipwrecked on the island of Malta.
Psalm 119: 25-32 Daleth
Have you ever been so broken you can feel the physical pain in your heart from the emotional wreckage that is going on inside you? Maybe it was the loss of a relationship, child, spouse, or some other beloved person; maybe it was the burdens you were carrying (physical illness, financial hardships so deep you can't see a way out, decisions that seem impossible, children being rebellious, marriage falling apart, losing your career etc). I want you to look at those emotions and ask yourself: have you ever felt that way about your sin?
Like a Wineskin in Smoke
Our God is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3). So if you find yourself in need of comfort, in this post I want to invite you to dig into His word with me. The words that sparked my inspiration for this post are found in Psalm 119:82-83. The Psalmist writes, “ My eyes fail from searching Your word, Saying, When will You comfort me? For I have become like a wineskin in smoke, Yet I do not forget Your statutes.”
Lessons From the Demon Possessed Man
I was reading the encounter of the demon possessed man found in Mark 5 and walked away with a few lessons I would like to share. Have you ever have been in a situation that seemed hopeless? Or tried to help someone you couldn’t because only the Grace of God could reach them? Let me introduce you to the demon possessed man.
Psalm 119:17-24 - Gimel
“Deal bountifully with your servant” the writer proclaims. I love how the writer boldly asks for a blessing, but comes to God in humility as he uses the phrase, “Your servant.” He demonstrates that he believes God blesses His people in big ways and he recognizes his total dependence on God.
Acts 26 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 26, In Acts 26, Paul defended himself in Caesarea before Agrippa, Berenice, and Festus. He told them the story of his life and how Jesus changed everything.
Psalm 119:9-16 - Beth
In Psalm 119:9-16, the writer of this psalm shows how we can “take root” in the good soil—> by guarding our way by The Word—>which means to lead your heart with the Wisdom of God’s Word, don’t follow it in its fickle emotions that are every changing with the current of the world.
God Over Career
When your career and love of money disrupts your obedience to God, it may be time to reevaluate. In this article we look at Demetrius the silversmith from Acts 19 and how his love of money kept him far away from God.
The Lost Language of Lament: Getting Honest with God
Allowing yourself and others to lament gives others the opportunity to meet you where you are. When we don’t include the language of lament in our worship or fellowship, we often stay stuck. We stay at arms length with other believers and struggle in darkness alone. Or we numb out and try to be self-reliant. And as a result, we do not properly heal or demonstrate God's glory in the healing process.
Acts 25 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 25, In Acts 25, Paul stands trial in front of Governor Festus but no verdict is reached. Paul appeals his case to Caesar in Rome. At the end of the chapter, Agrippa and Berenice arrive in Caesarea and ask to hear Paul's case.
Psalm 119:1-8 - Aleph
This will be the first post through a 22 week study through Psalm 119!
As we get ready to walk through Psalm 119 I pray that we will ask God to show us what we should believe about His Word and about Himself, and how we are to apply these precious truths to our own lives so that we walk away more in love with God and His Word, more aware of – and brokenhearted over our sins, and more thankful for Christ and His sacrifice.
Acts 24 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 24, In Acts 24, Paul stands trial in front of Governor Felix. Felix delays a judgement in the case and keeps Paul in prison for 2 years. After 2 years, Festus replaces Felix and Paul is left in prison.
Revive us According to Your Word
And you know what I realized? I am like that dust, clinging to the surface. Clinging to the temporal. Clinging to surface level Christianity. You know, the “read my Bible for 10 minutes and then turn on Netflix for 3 hours” type of Christianity. Check mark Christianity.
Eyes Stamped With Eternity
There will come a day when our tragic losses feels like a distant memory because of the power and promise of the resurrection. This allows us in our most trying moments, our deepest pain, to be able to whisper: this wont last. This wont last.
Acts 23 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 23. In chapter 23, Paul starts an argument between the Pharisees and Sadducees in the Jewish council. Paul's nephew discovers a plot to kill Paul and Paul is sent under armed guard to Caesarea, to Governor Felix.
Acts 22 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 22. In chapter 22, Paul speaks to the angry mob of Jews that tired to kill him in Jerusalem. He tells them his conversion story and how Jesus met him on the road to Damascus. Later, he avoids a flogging from the tribune and soldiers by revealing he is a Roman citizen.
Fixing the Root Cause of the Soul - Acts 3
Don’t you think its time to stop scrounging around trying to find ways to cope with the hardships of life? It’s time to look for root cause solutions so you can live in peace, knowing your future is secure in life and in death. It’s time to go to the Physician so He can prepare you to be a new creation, a product of His restoration, rather than a victim of sin’s decay.
Rise Up with Jesus’ Strength - Acts 14
I was reading Acts 14 this morning and found myself captivated by what happened to Paul. He and Barnabas were preaching the word of God and scripture says, Paul was stoned to the point where they supposed him to be dead (Acts 14:19). This stood out to me because Paul ROSE UP from his suffering, stoned to the point of being assumed dead, and then his situation was used as a tool to bring strength and encouragement to those around him.