Genesis 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Genesis 9
These events occurred in the years immediately following the global flood.
The flood occurred approximately 1650 years after the creation of the world.
Noah – Noah built the ark and survived the flood by God’s grace.
Noah’s Sons – Their names were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
As the waters of the flood subsided, the ark ran aground in the mountains of Ararat.
Nobody knows the exact location, but many theorize the ark’s final resting place was in the east of modern-day Turkey.
God told Noah and his sons to have children and repopulate the earth.
He gave them all animals and plants for food but told them not to eat meat that contained blood. Blood was to be respected because it gave life to animals and humans.
If a man killed another man, the murderer’s blood was to be put to death.
Murder was a very serious crime because God made humans in His image.
God made a covenant with Noah, his sons, and with all the animals that came out of the ark.
A covenant is “a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement” (Webster).
God promised never to flood the earth and destroy all living things again.
He gave the rainbow as a reminder of His covenant.
Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
One day, Noah became drunk on the wine from his vineyard and lay naked in his tent.
Ham saw his father naked and went and told his two brothers.
Shem and Japheth took a garment and covered their father without looking at him in his embarrassing state.
When Noah awoke and realized what his children had done, he cursed Ham’s son (Canaan) and declared that Ham’s offspring would be servants to his brother’s offspring.
Noah blessed Japheth and Shem for the kindness and dignity they showed to him.
Noah lived 350 years after the flood and died at the age of 950.
Reminders of God’s goodness are scattered throughout nature.
The rainbow reminds us of God’s promise not to flood the earth.
God’s care for the sparrows reminds us He will provide His children with their daily needs (Mat 6:26).
The flowers in the field remind us God will cloth us (Mat 6:28-29).
The new lambs in the pasture remind us of His gentleness (John 1:29).
The lion on the savannah reminds us of His power to protect us and overcome the enemy (Rev 5:5).