What was Solomon’s Portico (Colonnade) in the Bible?
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The Temple in Jerusalem during Jesus’ time was surrounded by colonnades. A colonnade is a row of columns that supports a roof. The colonnade on the eastern side of the Temple complex was known as Solomon’s colonnade, porch, or portico. It likely bore Solomon’s name because it was built against the same eastern wall Solomon constructed as part of the original Temple project. To the west of the colonnade was the Court of the Gentiles and the Temple proper. To the east was the city wall and the Kidron Valley.
This location is mentioned several times in the New Testament. During the Feast of Dedication, Jesus was approached by the Jews while walking in the colonnade (John 10:23). Peter and John preached to a crowd that gathered under the portico after they healed a lame man (Acts 3:11). We are also told it became a gathering place for the early believers (Acts 5:12).