Genesis 5 Summary in 5 Minutes

genesis 5 summary
genesis 5 outline

Genesis 5 Summary - A Quick Overview


  • The historical figures mentioned in chapter 5 lived between the creation of the world and the global flood (see Genesis 6-9). This period of history is sometimes called the antediluvian age. The flood occurred approximately 1650 years after the earth was created.


  • Adam and Eve – The first man and woman.

  • Methuselah – The longest recorded human life, he died at 969 years old.

  • Noah – The main character of Genesis 6-10. At God’s instructions, his family built an ark to survive a worldwide flood.


  • Genesis 5 is a genealogy that records the names of Adam and Eve’s descendants through their son, Seth.  The author doesn’t give us specifics about where these men and their families lived.



    • Chapter 5 is a genealogy.

    • A genealogy is “an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor” (Webster).

    • This particular genealogy tracks the descendants of Adam and Eve, not through Cain (their oldest son) but through Seth.


    • Adam fathered Seth when he was 130 years old and died at the age of 930.

    • Seth fathered Enosh when he was 105 years old and died at the age of 912.

    • Enosh fathered Kenan when he was 90 years old and died at the age of 905.

    • Kenan fathered Mahalalel when he was 70 years old and died at the age of 910.

    • Mahalalel fathered Jared when he was 65 years old and died at the age of 895.

    • Jared fathered Enoch when he was 162 years old and died at the age of 962.

    • Enoch fathered Methuselah when he was 65 years old. Enoch didn’t die a natural death. We are told the Lord “took him” at the age of 365.

    • Methuselah fathered Lamech at 187 years old and died at the age of 969.

    • Lamech fathered Noah at 182 years old and died at the age of 777.

    • Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth at 500 years old. 


  • You may read this list of names and think it holds no value for modern readers, but there is a reason the Bible records information like this.

  • Throughout the Bible God made several important promises pertaining to specific families and their future children (their descendants).  

  • Having a record of the ancient family lines allows us to see how God kept His promises across the generations.

  • These genealogies are records of fathers and sons, but more than that they are a record of God’s faithfulness.

  • They are evidence to us that God is trustworthy and never breaks His promises.  

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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