Christians Won’t Change the World Until They Stop Funding the Enemy

paying the devil

One of the reasons large corporations, studios, and celebrities don’t think twice about vocally supporting immorality is because they know Christians will keep paying them.

On the low end, about 50% of the people in United States are professing Christians. If you are a corporation trying to reach people in the USA, that means 50% of your market professes to follow Jesus Christ. As a business, that isn’t a statistic you can afford to ignore.

Considering that statistic, you would think any business that supported causes in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus would be shuttering their doors in short order. Most businesses can’t alienate 50% of the market and still turn a profit.

How is it then that businesses and celebrities all across the USA are increasing their vocal, visual, and financial support for things like the LGBTQ lifestyle and abortions rights without their financials bombing into bankruptcy? How are these companies surviving with only 50% of the market? How are these celebrities still selling albums and making movies with a 50% drop in album sales and box office patrons?

I think we all know the answer… Christians are still paying customers.

By and large Christians are listening to the same artists as the world, paying for the same TV shows as the world, vacationing at the same Magic (Evil) Kingdom as the world, they say they “can’t” stop shopping at the stores that light up in rainbow in June, and they won’t change where they buy coffee even if their favorite stores fund abortions from their profits.

In short, Christians can’t bring themselves to sacrifice the things they love to change the culture. While they are donating a little bit of money to keep the preacher in the pulpit, they are giving millions of dollars to amplify the megaphones of people promoting wickedness.

Money changes things, if you don’t believe me, look at the corporate world’s hypocrisy every June. While company logos in the States are bedazzled in rainbow, the same logos in the middle eastern, Indian, and Indonesian branches of those companies remain unchanged. While fully supporting wicked causes in locations where they are gaining popularity, companies like Apple, Starbucks, and Disney are more than happy to keep silent about those same causes in countries where their profits are at risk, specifically Muslim countries where customers won’t tolerate it.  

I say all this to say, we (including me) need to be careful about the voices we are promoting with our buying power. We need to examine our hearts to ensure the things “we can’t live without” haven’t become idols that we support at any cost. Companies, celebrities, studios, and athletes have enormous power to influence impressionable people, and if their influence is misguiding souls, we need to withdraw our support.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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