Bible Questions Luke Taylor Bible Questions Luke Taylor

Who was Eve in the Bible?

Eve gave life to the entire human family. In Genesis 3:20, Adam calls her “the mother of all living.” In her disobedience to God, she represents all flawed humans who sin against the Lord. But it was also through Eve that God displayed His saving grace, by giving her the promise of the Savior.

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Bible Questions Luke Taylor Bible Questions Luke Taylor

Who was Lilith? Was She Deleted from the Bible?

In Genesis 1 and 2, God created everything in 6 days and capped off the creation with the first man and woman, whose names were Adam and Eve. But there are some who propose Eve wasn’t the first woman and she wasn’t even Adam’s first wife. They submit that Eve was the second woman, created after Adam and Lilith’s marriage fell apart.

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Bible Questions Luke Taylor Bible Questions Luke Taylor

What was the Garden of Eden?

After God created the world in Genesis 1 and 2, He made a home for Adam (the first man). This home was a garden in a land called Eden. Genesis 2:8 reads, “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom He had formed.” When Eve, the first woman, was created, she lived in the garden with Adam.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 21 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 21 can be broken down into two parts. In the first part, David rejoices in God for making him king. He acknowledges that his reign and riches come from God, and that without God he is nothing. In the second part of the psalm, David declares that God will seek out and destroy all His enemies. No enemy of God will escape His power.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 20 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In Psalm 20, David appears to record a prayer and blessing that his people spoke over him. The people pray for God to give David success with his goals and to protect him in days of trouble. The end of this psalm contains the people’s famous statement of faith, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 18 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 18 was written after God delivered David from the hand of King Saul, who was trying to kill him. David writes in figurative language about God’s salvation and about how God empowered him in his victories. The most famous verse in Psalm 18 is probably verse 3. It reads, “I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.”

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 17 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 17 is another plea from David to God for vindication and protection from enemies. David was trying to live an upright and righteous life, but he was surrounded by evil men who didn’t fear God. David asked God to confront them and subdue them. They only cared about the physical world. In contrast, David’s eyes were focused on life with God.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 16 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 16 is an expression of David’s confidence and satisfaction in the Lord. He expresses his confidence that God will take care of him in his earthly life and after his death. At the end of Psalm 16, David prophesies about Jesus, God’s Holy One, and His future victorious resurrection. Peter quotes from Psalm 16 in Acts 2:25-28.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 13 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In Psalm 13, David writes about his distress after a long oppression from his enemies. He is tempted to believe God has abandoned him because God’s deliverance has been so long in coming. But David did not buy into the lie that God had forgotten him. He concludes the Psalm by expressing his confidence that God will once again provide him salvation from his trouble. He concludes by saying, “I will sing to the Lord, because He has looked after me” (13:6, NASB).

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 10 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

The psalmist begins Psalm 10 expressing his frustration that the wicked flourish on the earth despite their rebellion against God and crimes against their fellow man. This is a natural frustration experienced by many people. At the end of the Psalm, the writer concludes that God is not indifferent to evil and He will certainly judge evil men, even if He doesn’t do it as swiftly as we might want or expect.

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5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Psalm Luke Taylor

Psalm 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

David begins the Psalm 9 praising God for His previous deeds, specifically His deliverance of David from his enemies. David presented God as the afflicter of the evil man, and the avenger of the afflicted man. He encouraged people to “sing praises to the Lord” for this characteristic. Towards the end of the psalm, we see a statement of optimism about the future. David writes, “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever” (9:18).

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