SEPARATION is the Difference between JESUS and ABORTION

The debate surrounding when life begins is essentially over.

For years, supporters of abortion argued that the practice did not constitute taking a life because life didn’t begin until late pregnancy/birth. But the scientific facts have beaten down this line of reasoning so thoroughly that is has been mostly entirely abandoned.

No relevant scientist continues to argue against the position that life begins at conception or shortly thereafter.

So, abortion advocates have moved on to new arguments which center on the comfort of the mother and society at large. They argue that abortion should be a right guaranteed by healthcare, that some babies should not be brought into the world because the mother is not financially able to support them, or that they represent a provisional or economic burden on an already strained society.

These arguments make it clear that many have become more concerned with the selfish comforts of those outside the womb without any regard for those inside. They must surrender the fact that abortion involves taking life but argue that it is justified based on greater societal purposes.

But how does a person reach that point? How can a person ever allow themselves to believe there is a good reason to steal the life of another innocent human?

I think the answer has everything to do with… SEPARATION!

There is a separation between those of us born and those of us not. The separation amounts to nothing more than the womb of the mother who carries a baby, a few inches at the most, but not to be underestimated. A mothers womb conceals the identity of an unborn child. We cannot see the babies face when it smiles or frowns, we cannot hear it laugh or cry, its emotions are veiled from us. We are also veiled from the horrible realities experience by a child during abortion.

- We cannot see it suffer

- We cannot relate to its fear

- We cannot know its pain

It isn’t that those emotions don’t exist in an unborn child, it is just that our separation keeps us from having to see them. We value the emotional spectrum as a large part of what make us “human,” but our inability to see the emotional spectrum of the unborn allows us to treat them as less than human.

The implications of this way of thinking are HUGE and potentially terrible. If separation has the power to make us dehumanize others to the point where we deem their existence nothing more than a drain on society and an economic hardship, what prevents us from dehumanizing any group of people from whom we are separated. There are billions of people around the world whose emotional spectrums are hidden from us. They are hidden because of the separation that exists between us. We are cut off from others by oceans, continents, mountain ranges, deserts, border walls, the streets that lead to the bad parts of town, and imaginary boundaries created in our minds. Their emotions are veiled from us either by natural borders or by our own choices. We will never smile, frown, laugh, or cry with them or participate with them in the emotions that make us human together...

- We will never see their suffering

- We will never relate to their fears

- We will never know their pain

If separation enable us to numb our minds to another’s humanity, how much longer will it be until we’ve deemed those who we are separated from geographically (or mentally) as nothing more than a dehumanized burden on our comforts? The logic is already in place.


Understanding the concepts above, make it crystal clear why Jesus and abortion can never exist together. They are diametrically opposed!

The dehumanizing separation that permits abortion is the wall Christ calls Christians to demolish. The Bible reveals to the world that we are all united in our suffering and pain. Sin is the fuel that keeps suffering alive in the world and it is a force with which we are all familiar. We have all suffered at the hands of sin, whether our own or the sins of another. Our pain is not unique, it is similar and common to men (1 Cor 10:13). Christians are those who have recognized this global problem and accepted Jesus as the necessary remedy to find relief. But Christ does not give salvation for selfish comfort, Christ gives salvation for selfless sacrifice. Christians are not permitted to appreciate their salvation in separation from those still in pain and hopelessness. Christ calls all of His followers to value the image of God stamped on every soul no matter how separated they may be from us. The gospel, rather than dehumanizing others, reveals the stamp of the divine on every person and compels us to reach them with relief for their hurt no matter what separation lies between us. Christ calls us to sail the ocean, trek the continents, scale the mountain ranges, endure the desert heat, fly over the border walls, cross the street to the bad part of town, and discard our imaginary boundaries to share His name for the salvation of all people from the pain that unites us. We must take the good news to the world.

- We are compelled because we see their suffering

- We are compelled because we relate to their fear

- We are compelled because we know their pain

But who is this Jesus who calls on us to sacrifice ourselves to relieve the pain of others?

He is the voyager who crossed the greatest separation of all… to reach us. From the spiritual world to the physical world, Christ came for the purpose of selfless sacrifice.

- He came to endure our suffering

- He came to relate to our fear

- He came to know our pain

He bore our griefs, carried our sorrows, was smitten and afflicted, wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, chastised for our peace… To build a bridge out of grace to demolish separation. To make us His brothers, His fellow heirs, God’s children born to new life!

If God could bring Himself to see through the separation which existed between us, see our ungodliness, our inferiority in comparison to Him, knowing that it would cost Him greatly to keep us alive, that we would be a burden, and still chose to love us into life… can we do less for our children?


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