Exodus 2 Summary: A Concise Overview in 5 Minutes
Get a quick overview of the second chapter of Exodus, including its themes and key events. This article provides a short summary of Exodus chapter 2, covering the second chapter of the story of Israel’s journey out of slavery in Egypt.
Exodus 1 Summary: A Concise Overview in 5 Minutes
Get a quick overview of the first chapter of Exodus, including its themes and key events. This article provides a short summary of Exodus chapter 1, covering the first chapter of the story of Israel’s journey out of slavery in Egypt.
Genesis 50 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 50. Genesis 50 records the burial of Jacob in the cave of Machpelah in Canaan, Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers, and Joseph’s death in Egypt at 110 years old.
Genesis 49 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 49. In Genesis 49, Jacob blessed and prophesied over his 12 sons before his death. He told them about the future of their families and their fates, whether good or bad. At the end of the chapter, Jacob died in Egypt at 147 years old.
Genesis 48 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 48. In Genesis 48, Jacob (Israel) was sick so Joseph took his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to went to see his father. Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons as his own and blessed Ephraim with the greater blessing even though he wasn’t the firstborn.
Genesis 47 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 47. In Genesis 47, Joseph presented his brothers and father to Pharaoh and he granted them permission to live in the land of Goshen, which was in Egypt. Joseph sold food to all the Egyptians in exchange for their livestock and land. Jacob asked Joseph to take an oath not to bury him in Egypt, but to take his body back to Canaan.
Genesis 46 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 46. In Genesis 46, Jacob moved his entire family from Canaan to the land of Goshen in Egypt. The middle of the chapter lists the sons and grandsons of Jacob (Israel). The chapter concludes with Joseph being reunited with his father after more than 20 years.
Genesis 45 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 45. In Genesis 45, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and forgave them for selling him into slavery in Egypt. Pharaoh invited Jacob and his sons to live in Goshen so they would not go hungry during the 7 year famine. Joseph’s brothers returned to Canaan and told their father Joseph was still alive.
Genesis 44 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 44. In Genesis 44, Joseph’s silver cup was found in Benjamin’s sack as they journeyed back to Canaan. Judah offered to take Benjamin’s place and become Joseph’s servant so his brother could return home.
Genesis 43 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 43. In Genesis 43, Jacob sends his sons, including Benjamin, to Egypt to buy more food. When they arrived, they were invited into Joseph's house. Joseph met them and ate with them, seating them in order from the oldest to the youngest. He gave Benjamin 5 times as much food as his other brothers.
Genesis 42 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 42. In Genesis 42, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food during the 7 years of famine. In Egypt, they met Joseph but didn’t recognize them. Joseph accused them of being spies and demanded they bring Benjamin to Egypt to prove their honesty. Joseph sent them back to Canaan but put the money they used to pay for the grain back in their sacks.
Genesis 41 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 41. In Genesis 41, Pharaoh had 2 dreams about healthy and skinny cows and healthy and withered ears of grain. Joseph was summoned from prison to interpret the dreams. He told Pharaoh Egypt would experience 7 years of abundance followed by 7 years of famine. Pharaoh promoted Joseph to be the 2nd most powerful man in Egypt.
Genesis 40 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 40. In Genesis 40, Joseph met Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer and the chief baker and interpreted their dreams. Three days later, Pharaoh gave the cupbearer his job back but he killed the baker. The cupbearer forgot about Joseph and he remained in prison.
Genesis 39 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 39. In Genesis 39, after being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph went to serve in the house of Potiphar. Potiphar made him the overseer of all his possessions and the Lord blessed Joseph’s work. But Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to seduce her and Potiphar had Joseph thrown in prison.
Out of Isolation and Into Community
Sometimes, we get to a place in life where we feel like we should know something. Or that we have to have everything figured out on our own. Shame steps in and convinces us that surely we cannot ask for help in a certain situation because we are an adult, and they would think we are incapable... But friends, there is SO much power in asking for help, no matter the situation. The Bible literally drips with encouragement to seek counsel in community.
Genesis 38 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 38, Genesis 38 records the story of Judah and Tamar. Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute and became pregnant by Judah her father-in-law.
Genesis 37 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 37, Genesis 37 reintroduces the reader to Joseph, Jacob’s son with Rachel. Joseph was his father’s favorite and he gave him a coat of many colors. Jacob’s brothers hated him for his dreams and their father’s favoritism. They threw him into a pit and sold him into slavery in Egypt.
Genesis 36 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 36, Genesis 36 records the genealogy of Esau. The chapter lists the names of Esau’s wives and sons. The descendants of Seir the Horite are also listed. The end of the chapter records the Kings of Edom and the chiefs of Edom.
Genesis 35 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 35, In Genesis 35, Jacob returned to Bethel and God reaffirmed his promises to him to make him a great nation and to give his children the land of Canaan. Rachel died in childbirth while giving birth the Benjamin and Isaac died at the age of 180.
Genesis 34 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute summary of Genesis 34, In Genesis 34, Shechem the son of Hamor raped Dinah, Jacob’s daughter. Hamor asked Jacob if his son could have Dinah as a wife. Jacob’s sons told Hamor and Shechem they would make piece with them if all the people of their city were circumcised. But when the men were healing from circumcision, Simeon and Levi attacked their city and killed all the men, including Hamor and Shechem.