Genesis 41 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

genesis 41 summary
genesis 41 outline

Genesis 41


  • Joseph was 17 when he went to Egypt (approximately 1728 B.C.).

  • Genesis 41 records events that happened when Joseph was 30 years old (approx.. 1715 B.C.).


  • Joseph – Jacob’s son with Rachel. Joseph’s brothers hated him and sold him into slavery.  

  • Pharaoh – The king of Egypt

  • Chief Cupbearer – Pharaoh’s cupbearer who had previously spent time with Joseph in prison.

  • Manasseh and Ephraim – The sons of Joseph.  


  • The story contained in Genesis 41 took place in the country of Egypt.

  • We are not given specifics as to the region or city.


  • PHARAOH’S DREAMS (41:1-8):

    • Two years after the chief cupbearer and chief baker’s dreams were fulfilled, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, dreamed two dreams.  

    • When he awoke, he was troubled and called his magicians and wise men to interpret the dreams, but they couldn’t.


    • The chief cupbearer approached Pharaoh and told him about the Hebrew boy who had interpreted his dream in prison.

    • Pharaoh summoned Joseph.

    • Joseph quickly shaved and changed clothes before meeting Pharaoh.


    • Pharaoh told Joseph he heard he could interpret dreams, but Joseph told Pharaoh it was God who would provide the interpretation, not him.

    • Pharaoh recounted his 2 dreams to Joseph.

    • In the first dream, 7 healthy cows came up out of the Nile River, followed by 7 skinny and ugly cows.

    • The 7 skinny cows at the 7 healthy cows but remained just as skinny as before.

    • In Pharaoh’s second dream, 7 healthy ears of grain grew from one stock, but they were joined by 7 ugly ears of grain that were “blighted by the east wind.”

    • The 7 ugly ears of grain swallowed up the 7 healthy ears.

    • Joseph told Pharaoh God had revealed the interpretation to him.

    • Pharaoh’s similar dreams shared the same interpretation.

    • The 7 healthy cows and the 7 healthy ears of grain symbolized 7 years of abundance.

    • The 7 skinny cows and the 7 withered ears of grain symbolized 7 years of famine.

    • Egypt would experience 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of severe famine.

    • Joseph encouraged Pharaoh to appoint a wise man to store up food during the 7 years of abundance so the nation would not starve during the 7 years of famine.


    • Pharaoh decided Joseph was the man he needed for the job.

    • He made Joseph the second most powerful man in the land of Egypt.

    • Joseph was given a wife and a new name, Zaphenath-paneah.

    • Joseph was 30 years old when he was honored by Pharaoh.

  • 7 YEARS OF ABUNDANCE (41:47-52):

    • During the 7 years of abundance Joseph gathered grain in storehouses.

    • The year before the famine Joseph had 2 sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.


    • At the end of the 7 years of abundance, the famine began.

    • The Egyptians and those from surrounding nations came to Joseph to buy food.


  • Joseph proceeded confidently into a task that required God’s help to succeed.  

  • When Pharaoh asked Joseph if he could interpret dreams, Joseph confidently replied that God would give him the interpretation.

  • He stated it positively and without qualifiers.

  • He did not doubt that God would help him because he was returning the glory to God.

  • Is our faith ambitions enough to undertake a task that necessitates God’s help? Or do we only undertake work we are confident our personal skillset can complete?  

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Genesis 42 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Genesis 40 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study