Genesis 35 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

genesis 35 summary
genesis 35 outline

Genesis 35


  • There isn’t enough information in the text to date the events of this chapter with precision.

  • Most of the events of Genesis 35 took place after Jacob’s return to Canaan, sometime between 1745-1725 B.C.

  • Isaac died in approximately 1716 B.C.


  • Jacob – The son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother of Esau. He had recently returned from Haran to dwell in Canaan. God renamed him Israel.

  • Rachel – Jacob’s favorite wife and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.

  • Isaac – The son of Abraham and father of Jacob.


  • Jacob travelled to Bethel and built an altar where he had seen a vision more than 20 years earlier.

  • Rachel died on the way to Ephrath, also known as Bethlehem.

  • Isaac lived in Mamre (also known as Kiriath-arba or Hebron).

genesis 35 map - bethel, bethlehem, and Hebron



    • God told Jacob to return to Bethel, where he had seen the vision of the heavenly ladder (Gen 28), and build an altar there.

    • Jacob told his household to get rid of all their foreign Gods.

    • Jacob took their idols and buried them under a tree near Shechem.

    • God caused a great terror to fall on the people of the land so they would not pursue Jacob’s family to avenge Hamor and Shechem (Gen 34).

    • Jacob built an altar in Bethel to honor the Lord who watched over him when he fled from Esau.

    • God appeared to Jacob and told him his name would be changed to Israel.

    • He told Jacob He would make him the father of nations and would give him the land of Canaan.

    • Jacob set up a pillar of stone in the place God appeared to him.

  • THE DEATH OF RACHEL (35:16-21):

    • Rachel went into labor as their family was travelling to Ephrath (Bethlehem).

    • She had “hard labor” and died shortly after delivering a son.

    • Jacob named the boy Benjamin.

  • JACOB’S 12 SONS (35:22-26):

    • Jacob had children with 4 women: Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah.

    • Jacob’s 12 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.

  • THE DEATH OF ISAAC (35:27-29):

    • Jacob visited his father Isaac at Mamre (Hebron).

    • Isaac died at 180 years old and was buried by Jacob and Esau.


  • God was with us before we found the people we would love the most, and He will be with us when we lose the people we’ve loved the most.

  • God was with Jacob before he went to Haran and found the woman he loved (Rachel), and He was with Jacob when she left him on the road outside Bethlehem.

  • What a friend we have in Jesus.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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