Articles, Acts Megan Taylor Articles, Acts Megan Taylor

God Over Career

When your career and love of money disrupts your obedience to God, it may be time to reevaluate. In this article we look at Demetrius the silversmith from Acts 19 and how his love of money kept him far away from God.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

The Lost Language of Lament: Getting Honest with God

Allowing yourself and others to lament gives others the opportunity to meet you where you are. When we don’t include the language of lament in our worship or fellowship, we often stay stuck. We stay at arms length with other believers and struggle in darkness alone. Or we numb out and try to be self-reliant. And as a result, we do not properly heal or demonstrate God's glory in the healing process.

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Articles, Psalm Megan Taylor Articles, Psalm Megan Taylor

Psalm 119:1-8 - Aleph

This will be the first post through a 22 week study through Psalm 119!

As we get ready to walk through Psalm 119 I pray that we will ask God to show us what we should believe about His Word and about Himself, and how we are to apply these precious truths to our own lives so that we walk away more in love with God and His Word, more aware of – and brokenhearted over our sins, and more thankful for Christ and His sacrifice.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Revive us According to Your Word

And you know what I realized? I am like that dust, clinging to the surface. Clinging to the temporal. Clinging to surface level Christianity. You know, the “read my Bible for 10 minutes and then turn on Netflix for 3 hours” type of Christianity. Check mark Christianity.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Eyes Stamped With Eternity

There will come a day when our tragic losses feels like a distant memory because of the power and promise of the resurrection. This allows us in our most trying moments, our deepest pain, to be able to whisper: this wont last. This wont last.

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Articles, Acts Luke Taylor Articles, Acts Luke Taylor

Fixing the Root Cause of the Soul - Acts 3

Don’t you think its time to stop scrounging around trying to find ways to cope with the hardships of life? It’s time to look for root cause solutions so you can live in peace, knowing your future is secure in life and in death. It’s time to go to the Physician so He can prepare you to be a new creation, a product of His restoration, rather than a victim of sin’s decay.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Rise Up with Jesus’ Strength - Acts 14

I was reading Acts 14 this morning and found myself captivated by what happened to Paul. He and Barnabas were preaching the word of God and scripture says, Paul was stoned to the point where they supposed him to be dead (Acts 14:19). This stood out to me because Paul ROSE UP from his suffering, stoned to the point of being assumed dead, and then his situation was used as a tool to bring strength and encouragement to those around him.

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Acts, Articles Luke Taylor Acts, Articles Luke Taylor

Acts 2 Bible Study - Verse by Verse

On the day of Pentecost, Peter stood up and taught the Jews using a prophecy from the book of Joel. He showed the gathered crowd how Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy about the coming "day of the LORD" and the offer of salvation to all who call on the name of the Lord.

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Acts, Articles Luke Taylor Acts, Articles Luke Taylor

How Far Could a Jew Walk on the Sabbath Day?

In Acts 1:12 Luke wrote that the Apostles walked a "Sabbath day's journey" from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem. What was a Sabbath day's journey? In this article we discuss the restriction the rabbis enforced regarding walking on the Sabbath, how far a Jew could walk, and the origins of the restriction.

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Articles, Acts Luke Taylor Articles, Acts Luke Taylor

What was the Practice of Casting Lots?

Casting lots was a form of random selection. A modern equivalent might be flipping a coin, drawing straws, or rolling dice. Our modern word lottery has its foundation in this ancient practice. Curiously, the Bible never describes the method or instruments used to make the selection. The Bible’s use of “casting lots” is probably a general term used to refer to any form of unbiased random selection.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Behold the Lamb of God!

How did the Creator of the universe humble Himself to such extreme lows to serve others? The humility required to complete the crucifixion was nothing less than an act of God. We as humans can barely bring ourselves to the level of humility required to serve others. Knowing our own struggle with pride, we should be stunned by the selflessness of Jesus.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Types of Coins in the Bible

If you’ve read the New Testament, you’ve probably come across references to monetary values like the mite, penny, shekel, drachma, and denarius. This quick article is meant to give you an introduction to some of the most common coins we read about in the New Testament. These would have been the same coins Jesus and His disciples used when they were out running their daily errands.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Who was Peter in the Bible?

Peter is the most well-known of Jesus’ 12 Apostles. When Jesus first met him, he was employed in the fishing business with his brother Andrew. The two brothers left everything and became students of Jesus, believing Him to be the long-awaited Messiah spoken by the Jewish prophets.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Lining Up World History with Biblical History

If you want to understand the Bible better, its helpful to spend some time studying world history and Biblical history to discover how and where they overlap. This handout shows the key dates of Biblical history and what was going on simultaneously in world history.

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