Lining Up World History with Biblical History

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The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires

4000-2000 BC - The Sumerian Empire (City States)

2350-2000 BC - Akkadian Empire (Bronze Age)

2100 BC - Akkadian Empire declines. City of Ur rises to prominence.

1800 BC - Hammurabi and the Old Babylonian Empires (Code of Hammurabi)

1750 BC - Hammurabi dies and Babylon loses power.

1400 BC - The Assyrian Empire increases in strength in northern Mesopotamia.

1100 BC - Assyrian Empire reaches the peak of its strength under Tiglath-Piliser I.

1100-700 BC - The Assyrian Empire expands and conquers foreign territories.

721 BC - Assyria conquers Israel.

700 BC - Babylon grows restless under Assyrian rule.

671 BC - Assyria conquers Egypt.

670 BC - Ashurbanipal becomes the last great king of the Assyrian Empire.

627 BC - War breaks out between Assyria and Babylon.

621 BC - Assyria suffers large military defeat at the hands of the Babylonians.

612 BC - Babylonians sack Nineveh and destroy the library of Ashurbanipal.

612 BC - Neo-Babylonian Empire begins under the leadership of Nabopolassar.

606 BC - Nabopolassar dies and is succeeded by Nebuchadnezzar II.

536 BC - Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon.

536 BC - The Persian Empire rules the world.

480 BC - Xerxes I tries to conquer Greece with a huge army but is unsuccessful.

333 BC - Alexander defeats Persia at the Battle of Gaugamela.

Significant Events in Biblical History

10000-6000 BC - Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

~5000 BC - Flood, Noah builds an Ark

2100 BC - Abraham is called by God

2000 BC - Isaac

1850 BC - Joseph

1500 BC - Moses

1050 BC - Saul (First King of Israel)

1000 BC - David (Second King of Israel)

950 BC - Solomon (Third and Last King of United Israel)

910 BC - Israel divides into Israel (North) and Judah (South)

721 BC - Israel is conquered by the Assyrian Empire

606 BC - Judah is taken captive by the Babylonian Empire

606-536 BC - Judah spends 70 years in captivity in Babylon

536 BC - Cyrus the Great releases Judah to return to the Promised Land.

400-350 BC - End of the Old Testament

~350-150 BC - The Greek Empire

~150 BC-476 AD - The Roman Empire

4 BC - Jesus is born in Bethlehem

30 AD - Jesus’ Resurrection

70 AD - Destruction of Jerusalem

95 AD - End of the New Testament

*These dates are estimates. They are intended to give the reader a high level introduction to the timeline of the Bible.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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