Peter’s Case for Christ on Pentecost - Acts 2
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Peter’s Case for Jesus as the Messiah in Acts 2
Peter used 3 prophecies to make the case that Jesus resurrected from the dead and was the Messiah spoken about by the prophets of Israel.
(1) Joel 2:28-32
Joel prophesied the Holy Spirit would be given to God’s people, God would perform signs and wonders among His people, and salvation would be offered to those who called on the name of the Lord.
The Holy Spirit was visibly working through the Apostles that day. The power was visible and undeniable.
Salvation was available to Israel now that Jesus had died on the cross.
Jesus’ was anointed by God and His various signs and wonders among the people were proof of His anointing.
(2) Psalm 16:8-11
David spoke of one who would escape Hades (the place of the dead) and would avoid the decay of the grave.
David could not have been speaking about himself directly. David died and his body decayed like every other man’s.
Rather, he spoke of one who would represent Him. One who would sit on his throne and reign forever (2 Samuel 7:13).
If a man was going to rule forever, that man needed to be able to escape death and corruption. That man must have power over death.
Only one person could claim that power. Jesus of Nazareth who defeated death and reigns eternally “on the throne of His father David” (Luke 1:32).
(3) Psalm 110:1
David prophesied that his “Lord” would ascend to Heaven and sit with God at His throne.
David was one of the greatest figures in Jewish history, who could possibly claim the title of “lord” over David?
David was speaking of Jesus, the greater King who would sit on his throne.
Peter told his audience the scenes playing out in front of their eyes on Pentecost were proof of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to Heaven.
How? The Holy Spirit was working miraculously through Jesus’ disciples, exactly as Jesus had promised before His death on the cross (John 7:39; 14:26; 15:26; 16:13; and Acts 1:8).
In John 7:39, John wrote the Spirit of God would be given after Jesus was glorified (ascended to the throne of God).
Now that the Spirit had arrived in power, it was evidence that Jesus kept His promises, escaped death, and was once again with God in Heaven.
If Jesus was a lying fraud, God certainly wouldn’t have sent heavenly power to His followers.
If Jesus wasn’t a fraud, He was the Christ of God.