Acts 21 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 21. In chapter 21, Paul travelled from Miletus to Tyre, Tyre to Caesarea, and Caesarea to Jerusalem. He was attacked by a mob while purifying himself in the temple and the roman tribune had to intervene to keep the Jews from killing Him.
Acts 20 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 20. In chapter 20, Paul travelled through Macedonia and Greece, raised Eutychus from the dead after he fell from a 3rd story window, and met with the Ephesian elders in Miletus to encourage them in their work.
Acts 19 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 19. In chapter 19, Paul travelled to Ephesus and baptized 12 disciples. He taught in the Hall of Tyrannus for 2 years and many Ephesians came to Christ. At the end of the chapter, Demetrius, a silversmith who made "silver shrines" for the temple of Artemis (Diana), stirred up a riot in the city.
Acts 18 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 18. In chapter 18, Paul works in Corinth for a year and six months. After planting a church in Corinth, he sailed to Ephesus with Aquilla and Priscilla before continuing on to Antioch in Syria. At the end of the chapter, Paul set out on his 3rd missionary journey.
Acts 17 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 17. In chapter 17, Paul, Timothy, and Silas visited Thessalonica and Berea teaching the gospel. After the Jews from Thessalonica ran Paul out of town, he travelled south to Athens. At the Areopagus, he spoke to the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers about Jesus and the final resurrection.
Acts 16 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 16. In chapter 16, Timothy joined Paul and Silas on their Journey. The trio travelled to Philippi and met Lydia and the Philippian jailer.
Acts 15 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 15. In chapter 15, Paul and Barnabas travel to Jerusalem to settle a dispute about circumcision. In Jerusalem the Council of Apostles gathered to decide if the Gentiles needed to be circumcised. At the end of the chapter, Paul takes Silas and begins his second missionary journey.
Acts 14 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 14. In chapter 14, Paul and Barnabas go to Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe teaching about Jesus. They were mistaken as Zeus and Hermes, Paul was stoned, they were chased by the Jews, but were successful in their efforts to make disciples. At the end of the chapter the duo returns to Antioch in Syria.
Acts 13 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 13. In chapter 13, Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark set out on their first missionary journey. They meet Sergius Paulus in Cyprus and preach to the Jews in Antioch of Pisidia.
Solomon’s Mistake: A Beautiful Temple but a Decaying Heart
Solomon had tons of wealth and riches, and throughout the book, we see Solomon put that wealth and wisdom into action. But at the end of the book, something happens, and Solomon turns away from God. And the life of Solomon and Israel is used as a proverb (1 Kings 9:7).
Acts 12 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 12. In chapter 12, James the brother of John is killed by Herod Agrippa. Peter is let out of prison by an angel of the Lord. At the end of the chapter, God kills Herod because of his pride. He was eaten by worms.
Acts 11 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 11. In chapter 11, Peter travelled from Caesarea to Jerusalem after visiting Cornelius. He recounted the Holy Spirit’s work affirming the invitation of God to the gentiles to enter the Kingdom of God. The second half of the chapter records the birth and growth of the Church in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas spent a year teaching and working in Antioch of Syria.
Acts 2 Bible Study - Verse by Verse
On the day of Pentecost, Peter stood up and taught the Jews using a prophecy from the book of Joel. He showed the gathered crowd how Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy about the coming "day of the LORD" and the offer of salvation to all who call on the name of the Lord.
A Brief History of Jerusalem up to Jesus
A brief introduction to the history of the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. In this article we discuss the key events and dates that shaped Jerusalem into the city we read about in during the time of Jesus.
Who was Judas in the Bible?
Judas is one of the most infamous names in history. Why does he have such a bad reputation? Who was Judas Iscariot? Find the answer in this handout discussing his life.
Acts 10 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 10. In chapter 10, Peter sees a vision which leads him to the house of Cornelius, a roman centurion. After preaching Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended on Cornelius’ household and they were baptized, becoming the first Gentile converts to Christ.
Acts 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 9. In chapter 9, Paul meets Jesus on the Road to Damascus and is later baptized by Ananias in the city. Peter heals a paralyzed man named Aeneas. At the end of the chapter, Peter travels to Joppa and raises Dorcas from the dead.
How Far Could a Jew Walk on the Sabbath Day?
In Acts 1:12 Luke wrote that the Apostles walked a "Sabbath day's journey" from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem. What was a Sabbath day's journey? In this article we discuss the restriction the rabbis enforced regarding walking on the Sabbath, how far a Jew could walk, and the origins of the restriction.
Acts 1 Bible Study - Verse by Verse
Welcome to our book of Acts Bible Study. Over the next several months (if it's God's will) we will study through each chapter of the book. Today we discuss Acts 1 (verses 1-12). In this chapter, Jesus ascends to heaven and a new Apostle, Matthias is selected to replace Judas Iscariot.
Acts 8 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
A 5 minute Bible study through Acts 8. In chapter 8, Paul persecutes the early Church, Philip preaches in Samaria and Simon the sorcerer is converted. Later, Philip talks to the Ethiopian nobleman and baptizes him on the road to Gaza.