Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Should I Submit to my Husband?

My thoughts were once: “Submit to my husband? No thanks...”

However, I realized I was making that word “submission” more about me and less about God.

But a look at the scriptures reveals that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:21-23). And when we downplay submission in marriage, we dull the beautiful reflection of Christ and the church.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Let Jesus Redefine Your Fears

Before we became children of God, our list of fears was extensive, and rightfully so! Outside of God's love, everything is to be feared! But when we became a child of God, Jesus redefined our identity and our fears

If you fear God your capacity for fear should be full. He is on your side! He is all that is left to be feared. He is powerfully in control of every factor that surrounds you.

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Articles Luke Taylor Articles Luke Taylor

Are We too Proud to Accept God's Provision

Do we reject the harmony of the physical and spiritual to try to “make it on our own” like all our human friends in their shell of perceived provision? God’s protection is the safest. Yes, it looks peculiar to everyone else. People may laugh and point at you for being different. But when danger comes, you’ll be safe in the provision of the LORD.

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Blog Megan Taylor Blog Megan Taylor

Know Your “Why”

German Philosopher Fredrick Neitzche once said: “He who has a “why“ can endure any “how.” Growing up in the faith, I only went to worship because my parents said so. I was pretty good at memorizing scripture and learning the “who's, the what’s, the where's, the when's.” But, it wasn’t until I discovered the “why,” that my motivations were changed and my faith grew and was able to endure certain trials.

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Luke Taylor Luke Taylor

Matthew 16 Summary - Quick Bible Study

A short Bible study of Matthew 16. These outlines are intended to summarize the key information from each chapter in just 5 minutes. The outlines are available for download for FREE on our website.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Unfortunately, this phenomenon can also show up in the life of a Christian. Have you ever felt like a fake or a fraud? Or afraid of being exposed? Maybe you look at other Christians and you think, “Man she really has this figured out” or “I wish I knew my Bible like him.” Maybe you don’t really know how to study your Bible and you think, “I hope no one finds out…”

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

Exhort One Another Daily

I hope this encourages you to examine yourself, make it a point to be at fellowship when the church meets for assembly, not out of duty, but as a desire to see the church flourish in love, spiritual growth and unity. Make it a point to make that phone call of encouragement or send that text. Make it a point to grow in love and develop deeper relationships with the women you call a “sister in Christ.” Weekly fellowship is not enough; early Christians met daily in each other’s homes--they had relationship with one another.

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Articles Megan Taylor Articles Megan Taylor

How to Engage Your Emotions as a Christian Woman?

I am reading a book right now called, "Untangling Your Emotions." I found this book intriguing because a lot of times in the church, emotions are either over-emphasized or under-emphasized. And I have found myself wondering, in an emotionally driven world, where is the middle ground for Christian’s? How should we engage with our emotions?

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