Matthew 14 Summary - Quick Bible Study

Matthew 14 outline
matthew 14 outline

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  • WHEN:

    • The birth of Jesus probably occurred around 4 B.C..

    • From Luke 3:23, we know Jesus began His ministry when He was about 30 years old.

    • This would place the events of Jesus’ ministry roughly between 26-31 A.D..


    • Jesus - The Messiah. Various displays of His power are observable in chapter 14.

    • Disciples - Jesus’ followers and students.

    • 5,000+ People - A large crowd of people who came to see Jesus in Bethsaida.

    • Peter - One of Jesus Apostles who walked on water with Him.

  • WHERE:

    • Jesus fed the 5,000+ in the region of Bethsaida (Luke 9:10).

    • Jesus walked on water on the Sea of Galilee.

    • Gennesaret was a fertile plain stretching 3.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide on the Northwest side of Galilee between Capernaum and Tiberius (Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels).


    • JOHN THE BAPTIST IS KILLED (14:1-14:12):

      • When Herod Antipas heard about Jesus and His ministry, he thought John the Baptist had come back from the dead.

      • Matthew then takes his readers back in time to explain how John died.

      • John opposed Herod’s sinful relationship with Herodias, his brother’s wife.

      • Herodias wanted John killed and, with the help of her daughter, she managed to force Herod to execute him.

      • John was beheaded and his disciples buried his body.

    • FOOD FOR 5,000+ (14:13-14:21):

      • Upon hearing of John’s death, Jesus went to a desolate place to be alone.

      • But large crowds of people followed Him.

      • When evening came, the people were hungry.

      • The disciples recommended Jesus send them away to buy food in the village.

      • Instead, Jesus told His disciples to feed the multitude.

      • When they responded with doubts about their ability to feed the crowd, Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and fed the crowd miraculously.

      • After everyone had eaten, the disciples picked up 12 baskets of leftovers.

    • JESUS WALKS ON THE SEA OF GALILEE (14:22-14:33):

      • After eating, Jesus sent the crowds home for the night.

      • He instructed the disciples to get in their boat and sail to the other side of the sea while He took time to pray.

      • Later that night, while the disciples were struggling against the waves and the wind, they saw Jesus walking by their boat on the sea.

      • The disciples were terrified, thinking Jesus was some kind of ghost.

      • Jesus told them, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”

      • Peter asked Jesus if he could walk on the water with Him.

      • Getting out of the boat, Peter was successful for a short period of time before his faith faltered and he started to sink.

      • Jesus rescued him and brought him to the boat.



    • This chapter displays Jesus’ power over the created universe.

    • He had the ability to multiply material matter supernaturally (the loaves and fish).

    • He had the ability to manipulate physics and the laws of nature (walking on water).

    • He had the power to restore people’s bodies from the effects of disease.


    • Many people look down on Peter for sinking in the sea.

    • But would you have had the faith to get out of the boat in the first place.

    • Be careful before you judge someone who faulters after stepping out in great faith.

    • It is easy to judge others from the sideline.

    • Better to fail on the side of action, than to fail to take action.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Matthew 15 Summary - Quick Bible Study


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