Matthew 17 Summary - Quick Bible Study

Matthew 17 summary
Matthew 17 outline

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  • WHEN:

    • The birth of Jesus probably occurred around 4 B.C..

    • From Luke 3:23, we know Jesus began His ministry when He was about 30 years old.

    • This would place the events of Jesus’ ministry roughly between 26-31 A.D..


    • Jesus - The Messiah. God’s “beloved Son.”

    • Moses - The Old Testament Law giver who led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.

    • Elijah - A prophet who served God during the period of the divided kingdom.

    • Disciples - Jesus followers and students.

    • Demon Oppressed Boy - The demon gave the boy seizures and would cause him to fall into fire and water.

    • Tax Collectors - They asked Peter if Jesus paid the Temple tax.

    • Simon (Peter) - Caught a fish with a shekel in its mouth.

  • WHERE:

    • The mountain on which Jesus was transfigured is not named (some possible options include Mount Tabor or Mount Hermon).

    • Jesus healed the demon oppressed boy after coming down from the mountain where He was transfigured.

    • The conversation in verses 22-23 happened “in Galilee.”

    • The tax collectors approached Peter about the Temple tax in Capernaum.


    • JESUS IS TRANSFIGURED (17:1-17:9):

      • Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on a mountain.

      • He was transfigured in front of them and conversed with Moses and Elijah.

      • Peter wanted to build three tabernacles to honor Jesus, Moses, and Elijah.

      • But a voice from Heaven spoke, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.”

      • Jesus told the 3 Apostles to keep the events they had witnessed a secret until after His resurrection.

    • A QUESTION ABOUT ELIJAH (17:10-17:13):

      • Having just seen Elijah, the 3 Apostles asked Jesus why the scribes taught Elijah must come before the Messiah.

      • Jesus told them Elijah had already come.

      • John the Baptist came preaching with the spirit and power of Elijah.

    • A DEMON OPPRESSED BOY IS HEALED (17:14-17:21):

      • The father of a demon oppressed boy approached Jesus and asked Him to help his son.

      • He had previously asked Jesus’ disciples but they were unable to help.

      • After expressing His frustration with the faithlessness of those around Him, Jesus rebuked the demon and healed the boy “instantly.”

      • When the disciples asked Jesus why they had failed, He told them it was because of their “little faith.”


      • Jesus foretold He would be delivered into the hands of men, killed, and would rise from the dead on the third day.

      • The disciples were “greatly distressed” when they heard the prophecy.

    • THE MIRACULOUS TAX MONEY (17:24-17:27):

      • The tax collectors in Capernaum approached Peter and asked him if Jesus paid the Temple tax.

      • Peter told them Jesus did pay the tax.

      • Afterwards, Jesus sent Peter fishing. He told him he would find a shekel (to pay the tax) in the mouth of the first fish he caught.


    • When God spoke from Heaven after the Transfiguration, He made it clear Jesus was to be the source of authority moving forward.

    • Moses and the prophets had played their part in God’s plan, but Jesus was God’s Word to mankind.

    • Moses and Elijah’s work was always meant to lead the Jews to Jesus.


    • In chapter 17, Jesus’ disciples failed to cast out a demon because of their little faith.

    • Modern day Christians can also have moments of “little faith.”

    • We don’t always represent Jesus as well as we should.

    • Don’t evaluate Christianity based on Jesus’ imperfect followers, evaluate it on the power, character, and actions of Jesus Himself.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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