5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor

Genesis 24 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

A 5 minute summary of Genesis 24. In Genesis 24, Abraham sent his servant to Haran (the city of Nahor) to find a wife for his son Isaac. After praying, the servant met a beautiful woman named Rebekah at a well of water and was invited to stay at her father's house. Her father, Bethuel, gave his permission for Rebekah to return with Abraham's servant. She returned to Canaan and married Isaac.

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5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor

Genesis 22 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

A 5 minute summary of Genesis 22. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham's by telling him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham and Isaac traveled to the land of Moriah and Abraham prepared to kill and sacrifice his son. When Abraham was about to kill Isaac, the angel of the Lord stopped him. God provided a ram for the sacrifice.. The end of the chapter lists the children of Nahor.

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5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, Genesis Luke Taylor

Genesis 16 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 16. In Genesis 16, Sarai decided to give her Egyptian servant, Hagar, to Abraham to bear him children. After Hagar conceived, Sarai treated her harshly, which resulted in her running away from Abram’s house. An angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar by a spring of water and told her to return to Sarah. God promised her she would have a son and she was to name him Ishmael.

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