Genesis 15 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Genesis 15


  • Abram was born in approximately 1996 B.C. and died in 1821 B.C. at 175 years old (Gen 25:7).

  • The events recorded in Genesis 15 happened sometime between 1921-1896 B.C.


  • Abram – A man from Ur of the Chaldeans who moved to Canaan at God’s instruction. God promised to bless all the nations of the earth through him and his descendants.


  • Genesis 15 recounts how God appeared to Abram in a vision, but we aren’t told where Abram was when the vision occurred.



    • After God appeared to Abram in a vision, Abram expressed his concern with God’s promise to make him a great nation, because he and Sarai were unable to conceive children.

    • God told Abram not to worry because his descendants would be equal to the number of stars in the heavens.

    • Abram “believed the LORD, and He counted it to him as righteousness.”


    • Abram asked God how he could be sure his children would inherit the land of Canaan.

    • God told him to take a heifer, a female goat, a ram, a turtle dove, and a pigeon and cut them in half, except for the pigeon.

    • Abram did as God instructed, and that night God caused him to fall asleep and experience a “dreadful and great darkness.”

    • Abraham was told his offspring would be strangers in another land that did not belong to them and there they would suffer for 400 years.

    • But after the 400 years, they would leave with “great possessions.”

    • God was going to delay the inheritance of Canaan by Abram’s descendants for 400+ years because the Amorites, who lived in Canaan, were not yet wicked enough for God to cast out.

    • God caused a fire pot and a flaming torch to pass through the divided animals.

    • He made a covenant with Abram to give his children the land “from the river of Egypt to the great river” (the Euphrates River).


  • God’s promises aren’t always accomplished quickly, but they are always kept to the fullest degree.

  • Walking in obedience to God requires patience.

  • He is never rushed because He is eternal.

  • It is important for us to learn that God’s timetable is the best timetable.

  • Living on His schedule is exactly the right pace for our lives.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Genesis 16 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Genesis 14 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study