Proverbs 31 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Proverbs 31 Short Summary:
Proverbs 31 is a record of the wisdom of Lemuel. Lemuel was a king who is mentioned only in this chapter of the Bible. The most famous section of Proverbs 31 is Lemuel’s words about a virtuous wife. He describes the virtuous woman in detail, describing how she is a blessing to her town, her husband, and her children.
Proverbs 31 Summary
Distaff (31:19) – A stick onto which unspun wool is wound in preparation for spinning. Putting the wool on a distaff keeps it from getting tangled during the spinning process.
Spindle (31:19) - A slender rounded rod with tapered ends used in hand spinning to twist and wind thread from a mass of wool or flax held on a distaff (Oxford).
Proverbs 31 contains the words of King Lemuel. This is the only mention of him in the Bible.
At least a portion of these words were taught to him by his mother (31:1).
Lemuel’s mother advised him not to give himself over to women or to alcohol, because they have the power to destroy kings.
Getting drunk shouldn’t be the pastime of kings, because the upholding of the laws and the execution of justice in the nation falls on them.
Drunkenness is for those who want to forget about their miseries and responsibilities.
She counseled her son to stand up for the rights of those who had no voice, the needy, the destitute, and the poor.
This final section of Proverbs is well known and often read. In it, Lemuel describes the qualities of a wise and virtuous wife.
“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (31:10).
She is trustworthy and her husband’s mind rests in her integrity.
She is a blessing to him, a source of joy, and a refreshment to his hearts (compare this to verses like Proverbs 12:4; 19:14; 21:19).
She is hardworking. “She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household (31:15). “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness (31:27). She is diligent in everything, never lazy.
She is discerning and wise in her dealings, planning for the future, and planting fruits for a future harvest (31:16).
In her work, she is a picture of feminine strength (31:17).
She is discriminating in what she makes and buys (her merchandise; 31:18), so that what she produces for her household or what she takes to the market to sell will be profitable.
She is generous to the needy (31:20).
She is prepared to bring her household through all kinds of future challenges. Snow and cold weather aren’t a concern because she will have already prepared the necessary clothing to keep them warm (31:21). “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come (31:25).
All her work is of quality and reputation. She doesn’t do the bare minimum; she is a maker of fine things, which says something about her character and her work ethic. Her family is clothed in scarlet and her clothing is fine linen.
“Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land” (31:23). The man with a virtuous wife is able to make contributions outside his home (civil or otherwise) because the affairs of his home are so thoroughly managed by his excellent wife. His wife is a large part of his reputation and, being held in high esteem by the whole town, she is a blessing to him and his work in every way.
The virtuous wife speaks and pours fourth wisdom, she uses her tongue to teach kindness.
Her town respects her, her husband blesses her, and her children praise her (31:28).
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.” (31:30-31).