2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 6
Verse by verse commentary on John 6. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 5
Verse by verse commentary on John 5. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 4
Verse by verse commentary on John 4. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 3
Verse by verse commentary on John 3. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 2
Verse by verse commentary on John 2. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary John Chapter 1
Verse by verse commentary on John 1. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
Why is Jesus Called the Cornerstone? - Acts 4:11-12
The prophets in the Old Testament foretold of a building project God would undertake (Isaiah 26:16-17). God Himself would lay a cornerstone on which He would build a spiritual house. As we read about the life of Jesus in the gospels, we learn He was the intended cornerstone. He was the foundation on which everything God was doing was to be based (1 Peter 2:4,6). Everything was to be aligned according to Jesus.
What Was God’s Promise to Abraham? - Simple Answer
God’s promises consisted of at least 3 parts. Part 1, Giving Abraham and son and multiplying his offspring into a great nation of people. Part 2, Giving Abraham’s descendants the land of Canaan as a homeland. Part 3, Blessing all the nations of the earth through Abraham’s descendants.
Should Christians Vote in the Election? – 1 Timothy 2:1-2
We should pray for leaders who will allow us to live peaceful and godly lives, but we should also work to bring about that outcome. If we pray for the hungry to be fed but never serve at the food bank, what kind of prayer is that? If we pray for people to be saved but never make an effort to talk to people about Jesus, what kind of prayer is that? If we pray for our leaders to let us live peaceful and godly lives but don’t vote for those most likely to do it, what kind of prayer is that?
What Keeps People from Serving in the Local Church - Sermon Outline
What keeps more people from being involved in the work of the Church? In this sermon, we explore 2 reasons for people’s lack of involvement and discuss how to overcome them so local Church can flourish in the future.
Psalm 114 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 114 is a recounting of how the natural elements of the wilderness and Promised Land responded to seeing God’s presence in the Israelite Camp. The Red Sea divided, the mountains trembled, the rocks turned to pools of water, and the Jordan River stopped flowing in obedience to the Lord’s command.
Psalm 113 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 113 is a psalm of pure worship. The writer just wanted to praise God for His greatness and His compassionate nature. God’s glory is higher than the heavens, yet His compassion is concerned with the poor and needy of the earth. According to history, Psalm 113-118 were sung as part of the Jew’s observance of the Feast of Passover.
Psalm 112 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 112 is about the upright life and blessings received by a righteous man. God will establish a man who loves His commands and loves his neighbor. An upright man will succeed in his goals, while God will thwart the schemes of the wicked.
Psalm 111 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 111 is all about the great works of God. The psalmist worships the Lords for all the wonderous things He has done through the centuries. God’s works were and forever will be wonderous, faithful, trustworthy, and admirable.
Psalm 110 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 110 is a messianic psalm in which David, through the Spirit of God, prophesies about the coming Savior (Jesus). This savior would be seated at the right hand of God, would conquer all his enemies, and would serve as both a king and a priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Psalm 109 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 109 is an imprecatory psalm. David called out to God to help him with oppressive critics and to bring a series of curses on his enemies. David’s enemies were lying about him and falsely accusing him for a long time. He was exhausted by the constant harassing and asked God to give them a taste of their own medicine.
Psalm 108 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 108 is a psalm of David and a combination of his previous writings. It is a psalm of distress in which David calls out to the Lord for deliverance. David knew God was sovereign over all nations and would use to as He wished to accomplish His designs. He ends the psalm with an expression of confidence that with God’s help he would do valiantly.
Psalm 107 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 107 calls on all the redeemed of God to praise the Lord. Four groups of redeemed people are called to praise the Lord (1) those lost in the desert, (2) those in prison, (3) those in trouble for their sins, and (4) sailors in storms on the sea.
Psalm 106 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 106 is a record of God’s mighty works done for the people of Israel and Israel’s response to those works. Unfortunately, the people of Israel generally responded to God’s works with faithlessness. This chapter lists a number of Israel’s significant failings and shows how God was faithful to Israel even though Israel wasn’t faithful to Him.
Psalm 105 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 105 is a summary of the history of the Israelite nation from the days of Abraham to the conquest of the land of Canaan. The author calls on his listeners to praise the Lord for keeping His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give them the land of Canaan as a home. The chapter mentions other important Israelite figures like Joseph, Moses, and Aaron.