5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 29 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 29 is the last chapter in the Book of 1 Chronicles. After assembling all the officials of Israel in Jerusalem, David took up a freewill offering for the Temple project. David praised God and asked Him to guide Solomon as king. Solomon was anointed king a second time and assumed the throne in David’s place. The end of the chapter records the death of David after his 40-year reign over the people of God.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 28 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 1 Chronicles 28, David assembled all his government officials in Jerusalem. He encouraged them to follow his son, Solomon, as their future king, and to support him as he undertook the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. David encouraged Solomon to lead the people according to God’s laws, and he gave him God’s instructions for how the Temple was to be built.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 27 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 27 documents various officers, military and civil, who were appointed to lead the people of Israel. The first section documents the 12 military divisions, 1 for each month. The second section of the chapter lists the heads of the tribes of Israel. The third and final section is a list of David’s civil officers and the men who managed his property.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 23 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 1 Chronicles 23, David and Solomon took a census of the Levites who were 30 years old and older. The total number came to 38,000. These Levites were divided by family and assigned special jobs in the temple, which was set to be built in Jerusalem. The Levites played a supporting role to the priests. The priests were descendants of Aaron who oversaw the sacrificial offerings.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 21 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 21 is about a census David carried out that displeased the Lord. God gave David a choice between 3 punishments, and David chose to have the land of Israel struck with a plague for 3 days. The disease killed 70,000 people. God took away the disease after David bought the threshing floor of Ornan (Araunah) and bult an altar there.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 20 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 20 is a short chapter with only 8 verses. The first 3 verses inform the reader about David and Joab’s conquest of Rabbah, a city of the Ammonites. The last 5 verses document a few of Israel’s battles with the Philistines, and how the champions of Israel defeated 3 formidable Philistines who were descendants of the giants.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 17 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 1 Chronicles 17, David resolved to build a house for the Lord and the Ark of the Covenant, but God sent Nathan, the prophet, to David to tell him He had other plans. Rather than David building God a house, God was going to make David a great “house,” by blessing his family and his kingdom. God promised David his throne would be established forever.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 16 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 1 Chronicles 16, the Ark of the Covenant is finally brought home to Jerusalem. David celebrates with the people and offers sacrifices to the Lord. He appoints priests to minister at the Ark and the Tabernacle. Asaph managed the ministry and music at the Ark in Jerusalem, and Zadok was in charge of the daily sacrifices at the Tabernacle, which was in Gibeon.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 13 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 1 Chronicles 13 David determines to move the Ark of the Covenant from Kiriath-jearim to Jerusalem. The Ark was transported on a ox-drawn cart driven by two men, Uzzah and Ahio. As the cart went down the road, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah put out his hand to steady the Ark. God struck Uzzah dead, because no one was allowed to touch the Ark of the Covenant.

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