5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 12 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 12 is about the growth of David’ personal military in the days before he became king. Many men deserted to him when he was on the run from King Saul. The second half of the chapter is a record of all the Israelite warriors who went to Hebron to appoint David king after the death of Ishbosheth, who had briefly declared himself king of Israel.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 11 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 11 tells the story of David becoming in Hebron after the death of Saul. David then conquered the city of Jebus (Jerusalem) from the Jebusites and made it his capital. The second part of the chapter records the names of David’s mighty men. These were David’s elite warriors, consisting of 3 ultra-elite warriors, and 30 elite warriors.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 10 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 10 is a parallel chapter to 1 Samuel 31. Both chapters record the story of King Saul’s death. Saul and his sons were killed during a battle with the Philistines on Mount Gilboa. The Philistines took Saul’s armor and head back to their pagan temples in celebration of their victory. Saul’s death made way for David to become the next king of Israel.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 9 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 9 documents the names and offices of the Jews who returned from the Babylonian captivity (607-537 B.C.). The priests, Levites, and Temple servants were some of the first to return with the goal of rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. The final section of chapter 9 repeats the genealogy of King Saul. This section acts as a bridge between the author’s genealogical section (chapters 1-9) and historical section ( chapters 10-29).

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 8 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 8 is a record of some of the descendants of Benjamin, Jacob’s son, with special emphasis on Saul. Saul was a Benjaminite who became the first king of Israel. The chapter also mentions Jonathan, who was Saul’s son and David’s best friend. This genealogy sets the reader up for the historical narrative of beginning in 1 Chronicles 10, which picks up at the very end of Saul’s reign.

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Luke Taylor Luke Taylor

Daily Bible Study Progress Tracker for 2024

This free tracker is will help you keep track of your daily Bible reading and study. It accompanies the 2BeLikeChrist video studies and PDFs. Two different designs are available for download. Each page covers one book of the Bible and has check boxes for each chapter.

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Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

To The Christian Woman Who Struggles To “Be Still.”

I have always struggled to be physically still. If you see me in worship at church, you may notice me swaying as I listen to the sermon or twirling my hair as I take notes. If you pay close attention in conversation, you may notice I gently sway as I listen to you, if we are standing. While singing hymns, my husband and I both have a habit of leaning forward and rocking back and forth from the heels of our feet to the tips of our toes.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 6 Explained - 5 Minute Bible Study

1 Chronicles 6 is a record of the descendants of Levi, the son of Jacob. Levi’s family was selected by God to be a special tribe dedicated to the worship and service at the Tabernacle (later the Temple). Levi’s had 3 sons (Gershshon, Kohath, and Merari) and the family of each was given a special role to fulfil. The final section of the chapter is a list of the cities the Levites received in the Promised Land.

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5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 1 Chronicles Luke Taylor

1 Chronicles 1 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

The first chapter of 1 Chronicles contains a genealogy from Adam, the first man, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel). God promised to give Abraham’s family the land of Canaan (the Promised Land) and to bless all the nations of the earth through them. After the Babylonian exile, these genealogies helped the Jews trace their heritage back to their original tribal families.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Samuel Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Samuel Luke Taylor

2 Samuel 22 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Samuel 22 is a record of a song of praise King David offered to the Lord. David praised God for His power and His justice. He thanked God for protecting him from His enemies, which would have included King Saul and neighboring hostile nations. At the end of the chapter, He praised God for anointing him king, supporting his reign, and elevating the nation of Israel.

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