When Life Feels "Mundane"
As a woman with a restless heart and eager for the next thing, here is what I have been learning:
“Mundane” seems to describe most of our lives...It’s not a bad thing; it’s simply a fact.
If we are not careful, too often we dismiss God’s presence and power in the mundane because we’re looking for significance elsewhere...
C.I.A Method of Bible Study
C.I.A. stands for Comprehension, Interpretation, and Application. The reason this is so important is because it helps guide your study in a way most people fail. The biggest mistake people make when studying the Bible is failing to read the context and read repetitively.
Dripping with Joy - Philippians 1 Study
This week is the first week of our online study though the book of Philippians. :)
When You are Questioning God, Remember this…
The day my mother died I began questioning everything. I questioned why I believed what I believed. I questioned the existence of God and wondered how a good God could take away an amazing mother. But the amazing thing about God, is that He stands the test. He welcomes it.