5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 16 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Baasha, the king of Israel, fortified the city of Ramah to restrict the movement of the people of Judah. Asa, the king of Judah, took money from the Temple and hired the Syrians to attack Israel. Asa’s plan worked but God was displeased with the king because he trusted in Syria instead of the Lord. The end of 2 Chronicles 16 documents the death of Asa at the end of his 41-year reign.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 15 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 15, Azariah, the prophet of God, is sent to King Asa of Judah to remind him to seek the Lord and obey His commands. Asa takes the prophet’s words seriously and begins an immediate purge of idolatry from his country. In the 15th year of his 41-year reign, he gathered the citizens of his kingdom together and had them swear an oath to follow God’s law.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 13 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 13, Abijah becomes king in Judah after Rehoboam’s death. He waged war with Jeroboam of Israel and defeated his superior army by calling out to God for help. Israel was severely weakened after this defeat, and Jeroboam died not long after. Rehoboam reigned in Judah for 3 years, but he was not always faithful to the Lord. He repeated many of the sins of his father, Rehoboam.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 12 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 12, Rehoboam abandoned the Lord and His precepts. Consequently, God allowed Shishak, king of Egypt, to bring a massive military force against Judah and conquer much of Rehoboam’s territory. Rehoboam was able to save Jerusalem, but only by surrendering his autonomy and all the treasures in the Temple. Rehoboam died after reigning 17 years over Judah.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 11 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 11, Rehoboam becomes king of the southern Kingdom of Judah, while Jeroboam is appointed king in the northern kingdom of Israel. From this point on, God’s people will be divided and often at odds with one another. Chapter 11 documents the family of Rehoboam, his attempts to fortify the cities under his control, and the migration of the faithful from Jeroboam’s kingdom to Rehoboam’s lands.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 10 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Rehoboam’s first move as Israel and Judah’s new king severed the nation. He heeded the advice of his peers rather than the sage advisors of his father. This resulted in the nation of Israel breaking away and appointing Jeroboam as their king. But Jeroboam was not the king Israel needed. He disobeyed the Lord by creating two golden calves in Bethel and Dan to divert the people from worshipping in Jerusalem.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 8 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Chronicles 8 is a record of Solomon’s accomplishments and the riches of his kingdom. Solomon had fleets of ships travelling all around the world, collecting gold and other exotic items. He undertook building projects and renovations in the cities he controlled. His kingdom expanded south to the Red Sea and north to the Euphrates River.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 4 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 4, Solomon commissions the construction of the furniture which was to sit within the Temple grounds. The chapter briefly describes the altar of burnt offerings, the altar of incense, the bronze sea, the washing basins, the golden lampstands, and other furniture Solomon’s craftsmen designed for the magnificent temple in Jerusalem.

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5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor 5 Minute Studies, 2 Chronicles Luke Taylor

2 Chronicles 2 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

In 2 Chronicles 2, Solomon prepared for the construction of the Temple and his palace in Jerusalem by sending a message to Hiram, king of Tyre. Solomon agreed to send Hiram barley, wine, and oil, in exchange for timber and skilled workers. Hiram agreed to help, telling him he would send him all the timber he needed. He also sent Solomon a skilled craftsman named Huram-abi to assist with the project.

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