The Chapters of the Bible

How many chapters in the Bible - Bible Questions

How many chapters are in the Bible?

There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible.


How many chapters in the Old Testament?

There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament.


How many chapters in the New Testament?

There are 260 chapters in the New Testament.


Which book in the Bible has the most chapters?

The Book of Psalms has more chapters than any other book in the Bible. The Book of Psalms has 150 chapters.


What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible?


What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible.

How many Chapters are in Each Book of the Bible?

New Testament:

Matthew - 28

Mark - 16

Luke - 24

John - 21

Acts - 28

Romans - 16

1 Corinthians - 16

2 Corinthians - 13

Galatians - 6

Ephesians - 6

Philippians - 4

Colossians - 4

1 Thessalonians - 5

2 Thessalonians - 3

1 Timothy - 6

2 Timothy - 4

Titus - 3

Philemon - 1

Hebrews - 13

James - 5

1 Peter - 5

2 Peter - 3

1 John - 5

2 John - 1

3 John - 1

Jude - 1

Revelation - 22

Old Testament:

Genesis - 50

Exodus - 40

Leviticus - 27

Numbers - 36

Deuteronomy - 34

Joshua - 24

Judges - 21

Ruth - 4

1 Samuel - 31

2 Samuel - 24

1 Kings - 22

2 Kings - 25

1 Chronicles - 29

2 Chronicles - 36

Ezra - 10

Nehemiah - 13

Esther - 10

Job - 42

Psalms - 150

Proverbs - 31

Ecclesiastes - 12

Song of Solomon - 8

Isaiah - 66

Jeremiah - 52

Lamentations - 5

Ezekiel - 48

Daniel - 12

Hosea - 14

Joel - 3

Amos - 9

Obadiah - 1

Jonah - 4

Micah - 7

Nahum - 3

Habakkuk - 3

Zephaniah - 3

Haggai - 2

Zechariah - 14

Malachi - 4

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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