Psalm 8 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 8 Short Summary:

David opened this Psalm praising God for His magnificence. God’s name is to be praised in all the earth, and God’s glory exceeds the heavens. After observing and meditating on the beauty of creation, David expressed amazement that a God so powerful cared about him. God not only cares for humans but gives them an exalted place in the creation. Human beings are given glory and honor and are just slightly inferior to the heavenly beings that live with God.

Psalm 8 Summary and Outline
Psalm 8 Bible Study and Application

Psalm 8 Summary


  • King David of Israel, second king of Israel (8:1). He followed Saul on the throne.


  • Matthew 21:16

  • Hebrews 2:6-8

  • 1 Corinthians 15:27


  • God should be worshipped when a person observes the natural world He created.

  • God has given human beings an exalted place amongst the creation.


  • Dominion – the power to control, the right to rule.



    • David opened this Psalm praising God for His magnificence. God’s name is to be praised in all the earth, and God’s glory exceeds the heavens. In other words, God is worthy of being exalted to the highest degree.

    • The psalmist wrote about how God used “babies and infants” to establish strength and defeat His enemies. God is so powerful He can use those who the world considers weak to silence any of His foes.

    • After observing and meditating on the beauty of creation, David expressed amazement that a God so powerful cared about him. It was amazing to David that God cared about men at all, as they were just one tiny piece of God’s universe.

    • God not only cared for humans but gave them an exalted place in the creation. Human beings are given glory and honor and are just slightly inferior to the heavenly beings that live with God.

    • God has given humans dominion over all other living creatures (Gen 1:28).

    • David concluded by repeating the opening line of the psalm, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth” (8:9).


  • Don’t let someone convince you that you don’t have any value. Your Creator says otherwise.

  • Fellow human beings can be cruel, cruel with their words and cruel with their actions.

  • They can make you feel like you are worthless, they can abuse you, and they can treat you like trash.

  • But when it comes to discovering the truth about what you are worth, don’t look to men or women to give you the answer, look to the One who created you.

  • God has made you in His image (Gen 1:26), and He has crowned you with glory and honor (Psa 8:5).

  • Furthermore, He has given you the opportunity to become one of His children and to receive even greater glory in Heaven.

  • God thinks you are worth sending His Son to die for… everyone else’s opinion of your worth is irrelevant in light of that act of love.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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