Psalm 7 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 7 Short Summary:

In Psalm 7, David was once against being pursued by enemies. He invited God’s judgement on himself and those oppressing him. He believed his motives were pure and that God would vindicate him against his corrupt adversaries. David wrote, “My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart” (7:10).

Psalm 7 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 7 Outline and Application

Psalm 7 Summary


  • King David of Israel, second king of Israel (7:1). He followed Saul on the throne.


  • No known references in the New Testament to Psalm 7.


  • God judges fairly, defending the pure of heart and punishing the wicked.

  • Praise to God for upholding justice and righteousness in the universe.


  • Shiggaion – Some people believe this word should be translated as a meditation, a wandering poem, or a psalm of trouble, but the exact meaning remains uncertain.

  • Indignation – Anger resulting from oneself, or another person, being treated unfairly. 

  • Whet – To sharpen.



    • As David often was during his younger years, Psalm 7 opens with him on the run from enemies who were trying to kill him.

    • He asked God to save him from his pursuers.

    • David believed his heart was pure. He welcomed God’s judgement on his life. He told God to allow his enemies to catch him if he was guilty of sin.

    • David knew God was his ally, not his enemy, because he was a man who tried to live in “righteousness” and “integrity” (7:8).

    • David wrote, “My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart” (7:10).

    • David also welcomed God’s judgement on those he believed were wicked, saying, “Arise, O Lord, in your anger: lift yourself up against the fury of my enemies” (7:6).

    • God is not blind to people being treated unfairly, He “feels indignation every day” (7:11).

    • He judges righteously, defending the upright, while whetting His sword for judgement on evildoers.

    • God will ensure that whatever evil works men scheme to do, those evil works will return to them as punishments. 

    • David concludes the Psalm with praise to God for being the defender of righteousness.


  • No one gets away with anything in this life.

  • Whatever evil you’ve done in the past that you thought you got away with, you didn’t!

  • God does not forget the things you’ve stolen, the people you’ve hurt, the lies you’ve told, and the times you’ve cheated.

  • Unless those things are made right, God will ensure your evil returns to you when He judges the world.

  • The way to be right with God is to accept the grace offered by Jesus. He died for your sins, so that you can be forgiven. That is why He is our Savior.

  • If you refuse to acknowledge Him as your Savior or pretend you don’t need Him, you’ll be held accountable for every wrong you’ve ever done.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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