Psalm 24 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 24 Short Summary:

Psalm 24 begins with David acknowledging that the whole earth belongs to God. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (24:1). He then poses a question about the characteristics of a man who God will accept into His presence. The Psalm concludes with David inviting the gates (perhaps of Jerusalem) to swing open so the King of glory can fill the city.

Psalm 24 Bible study
Psalm 24 Outline and Application

Psalm 24 Summary


  • King David authored Psalm 24.


  • 1 Corinthians 10:26


  • The greatness of God.

  • The attributes of a man who God will accept into His presence.  

  • The joy and privilege of receiving God into our presence.


  • Jacob – Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac. Jacob was the father of the 12 patriarchs, the men from which the 12 tribes of Israel would take their names. Sense he was the father of the nation of Israel, his name is sometimes used to refer to the nation collectively. You’ll see it used this way in Psalm 14:7.

  • Selah – This word appears over 70 times in the Psalms. Scholars have tried for years to discover the true meaning of the word, but it remains somewhat of a mystery. Some scholars think it’s a musical pause or a literary pause, calling on the reader to stop and ponder what was just stated.  Other scholars propose its meaning is related to worship, an expression of praise to God. Still others suggest it’s a literary device used by the ancients to mark themes that run through the text. The only other book in the Bible where “Selah” is found is the book of Habakkuk.



    • Psalm 24 begins with David worshipping God and acknowledging that the whole earth belongs to Him.

    • Every living and non-living thing is His.

    • David recognized that it was God who had created the land on which he was living and God who had founded it in the midst of the oceans (Gen 1:9-10).

  • WHO CAN DWELL WITH GOD? (24:3-6):

    • In verses 3-6, David asks a similar question to the one he posed in Psalm 15.

    • He asks, “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in His holy place?”

    • In other words, what kind of man can go into the presence of God and be accepted?

    • David concludes that it is a man with clean hands, a pure heart, a man who does not speak lies, and whose soul is not given to deceit.

    • This kind of man will receive the blessing of God.


    • In these final verses we see David welcoming God into the gates. Which gates he’s referring to is not made clear in the text, but it seems likely these were the gates of Jerusalem or the gates of the Temple in Jerusalem.

    • David writes, “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in” (24:7).

    • David speaks to the gates as if they can respond to him, encouraging them to open up so the city can be filled with the presence of the King of glory.

    • He concludes the Psalm describing God with words of worship, calling Him the Lord of hosts who is mighty in battle.


  • Everything on this earth rightfully belongs to God, that includes your heart and your home.

  • Are the doors of your heart open to the Lord? Are you open to His teaching and His lordship over your life?

  • Are the doors of your home swung open to welcome Him inside?

  • Or are you keeping the door partially shut? Are you willing to welcome God into part of your life but not the whole?

  • Don’t withhold from the Creator what belongs to Him! When you give Him your heart and your home, you’ll find your proper place in this world and discover where you were meant to be.

  • You’ll never find your place by resisting the Creator, because “the earth is the Lord’s” (24:1).

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 25 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 23 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study