Psalm 124 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 124 was written by King David of Israel. In it, he reminded his people that their nation was able to defeat their enemies ONLY because God was supporting them. He didn’t want the people to think their success was a result of their own strength. In fact, he wrote that their enemies would have overwhelmed them like a flood if God hadn’t held them back.
Psalm 123 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 123 is a short psalm of only 4 verses. It is a plea to God to help people who are oppressed by the rich, powerful, and proud of the earth. The psalmist calls out to God, recognizing Him as His Lord, and asks Him to do something about their oppressors.
Psalm 122 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 122 is a psalm of ascent, likely sung by the Israelites as they walked up the hill to Jerusalem to gather for the feast days. The first part of the psalm celebrates the opportunity to worship the Lord at His house. The second part is an instruction for the people of Israel to pray for Jerusalem’s peace and prosperity.
Psalm 121 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
God is the perfect protector of Psalm 121. His help arrives on the horizon to those who look for Him. He is a guardian during the day and night. He is the shade to protect us from the sun and the watchman who never sleeps at night. He guards our “going out” and our “coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
Psalm 120 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 120 is one of the Psalms of Ascent. Many scholars believe these psalms were sung by the people of Israel and Judah as they ascended up Mount Zion to worship God in Jerusalem during the holy feast days. Psalm 120 was written by a man who was burdened by lies and slander from his enemies. He called out to God, knowing He was the only one who could give him peace.
Psalm 119 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
There is nothing short about Psalm 119. It is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. The psalm is a celebration of God and His words (the Scriptures), and an expression of the author’s ambitions to live according to God’s words.
Psalm 118 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 118 is a celebration of God’s faithful love. God’s love was a source of security for the psalm’s author. The psalm speaks of a cornerstone which was rejected by men but approved of by God. It goes on to talk about a person who “comes in the name of the Lord” to offer a sacrifice and save the people. Prophetically, the Psalm speaks about Jesus, who sacrificed His own life to save all men.
Psalm 117 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 117 is the shortest psalm and the shortest chapter in the Bible. It has only two verses which were written by an unknown author. The short text is a praise to God and an encouragement for all the nations of the earth to worship the true God of Heaven.
Psalm 116 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
The writer of Psalm 116 had experienced some rough times. In his struggles, he called out to God and the Lord saved him from death. He praised the Lord for his salvation and promised to praise the Lord forever. He acknowledged that the death of God’s saints was precious to Him, but he was thankful that God had spared his life on this occasion.
Psalm 115 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
In Psalm 115, the author expresses His hope that God will glorify His name among the nations. The foreign nations were mocking Israel because their God was invisible. This was in contrast to the gods of the foreign nations who were depicted by statues and idols. The psalmist spoke of God’s superiority to these lifeless statues and encouraged Israel to continue trusting in the true God of Heaven.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 24
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 24. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 23
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 23. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 22
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 22. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 21
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 21. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 20
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 20. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 19
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 19. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 18
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 18. Walk through the text of the Book of John to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 17
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 17. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 16
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 16. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.
2BeLikeChrist Bible Commentary - Luke Chapter 15
Verse by verse commentary on Luke 15. Walk through the text of the Book of Luke to discover its key characters, themes, teaching points and applications. Each chapter study comes with free printable notes and video lessons to aid comprehension and enhance your learning.