Matthew 1 Summary in 5 Minutes

Matthew 1 Summary
Matthew 1 Outline

*You can download this chapter summary on our website under the “Resources” tab.


  • WHEN:

    • The birth of Jesus probably occurred around 4 B.C..

    • From Luke 3:23, we know Jesus began His ministry when He was about 30 years old.

    • This would place the events of Jesus’ ministry roughly between 26-31 A.D..


    • Jesus’ Relatives - Jesus’ family line is recorded in verses 1-17.

    • Mary - Jesus’ mother.

    • Joseph - Jesus’ adopted earthly father.

    • Jesus - A baby born to Mary when she was still a virgin, His birth was miraculous and it was prophesied He would “save His people from their sins.”

  • WHERE:

    • The people mentioned in the first 17 verses lived primarily within the boundaries of the map below.

    • Mary was in Nazareth when an angel told her she would miraculously conceive Jesus (Luke 1:26).


    • THE GENEALOGY OF JESUS (1:1-1:17):

      • The first part of this chapter is dedicated to a list of Jesus’ relatives.

      • Jesus’ linage is traced from Joseph to Abraham.

      • This list is important because the Savior/Messiah was prophesied to come from a specific Jewish family.

      • Several prominent characters from the Old Testament appear in this list:

        • Abraham - The “father” of the Jewish nation.

        • Jacob (Israel) - Father of the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel.

        • Boaz and Ruth - Key characters in the book of Ruth.

        • David - The second, and most famous, king of Israel.

        • Solomon - David’s son and the last king of the united people of Israel.

        • Rehoboam - During Rehoboam’s reign the kingdom divided into Israel (north) and Judah (south).

      • Judah’s 70 year captivity in Babylon is mentioned in verse 12.

      • Following the captivity, Jesus’ ancestors returned to Judah and remained there until an angel brought news of Jesus’ birth to Joseph and Mary.

    • THE NEWS OF JESUS’ BIRTH (1:18-25):

      • A virgin named Mary was betrothed to a man named Joseph.

      • An angel appeared to Mary and told her she would miraculously conceive.

      • Later, the angel informed Joseph of the news in a dream.

      • Joseph was told not to terminate his betrothal to Mary because her conception was the work of the Holy Spirit.

      • Mary was told to name her son “Jesus.”

      • Jesus’ birth fulfilled a prophecy made by an ancient Jewish prophet (Isa 7:14).


    • It’s impossible to overemphasize how important Jesus’ birth is to the Bible story.

    • Jesus came to the earth as the long awaited Messiah/Savior of the Jews.

    • His arrival had been prophesied for hundreds of years.

    • His life, death, and resurrection would have an impact on, not just the Jews, but the entire world.

    • Jesus’ birth marked the beginning of the good news of how God saved the world.


    • Jesus didn’t come out of nowhere.

    • The Old Testament was meant to prepare the Jews for His arrival.

    • But the Old Testament scriptures weren’t intended for the Jews alone.

    • God preserved them for us to help us understand why Jesus’ time on earth was necessary.

    • Make time to study the Old Testament! You’ll understand Jesus, the Gospel, and the Kingdom of Heaven more deeply when you do.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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