Psalm 93 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 93 Short Summary:

Psalm 93 is a psalm of praise worshiping God for being an eternal king whose throne cannot be touched by the chaos of the earth. God’s power is said to be even greater than that of the raging seas. His throne is untouchable, eternal, and is marked by trustworthiness and holiness.

Psalm 93 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 93 Outline and Application

Psalm 93 Summary


  • The author of Psalm 93 is unknown.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • The steady rule of a righteous God.

  • God’s throne is unthreatened by the chaos of the world.


  • Floods (93:3) – This term can refer to a violent flood or a large body of water, such as a river, sea, or ocean.



    • The psalmist described God as a majestic king robed with majesty and wearing a belt of strength.

    • The Lord sits on an everlasting throne. His reign never ends.

    • His greatness is observable in the fact that He created and established the earth.

    • The writer described God as being mightier than the “floods.”

    • Large bodies of water, especially during storms, can be chaotic, untamable, and extremely powerful.

    • But the chaos of these mighty “floods” does not threaten the stability of God’s throne.

    • The psalmist wrote, “mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty” (93:4).

    • God’s throne is set on high above the waves and they cannot threaten it.

    • The final statement of the psalm once again speaks of God’s steady rule.

    • God’s decrees are trustworthy, and His house is marked by holiness. These are the qualities of God’s rule “forevermore.”


  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that time, and people, and circumstances are not as stable as I believed them to be as a child.

  • New generations of people are being born on the earth and older generations are leaving.

  • When I look at governments, I used to have much more faith in their stability and in their honesty, but much of that has been lost.

  • Financial situations change, your health can change overnight, you can be uprooted from your home and have to move somewhere else.

  • Marriages change, friendships are in flux, your pets pass away, your retirement plans don’t materialize, you have to buy a new car, your favorite shirt gets torn and ends up in the trash, your favorite local restaurant goes out of business.

  • Some of these things are hugely consequential and some of them less so, but they are all reminders that everything around us is always changing, and most of it is out of our control.

  • That can be a very frustrating feeling!

  • You live long enough, and you start to realize things aren’t going to slow down, time is marching on, and very little remains the same even over the course of one short human lifetime.

  • To me, this is one of the great beauties of God. Everything temporal can change, if you try to hold on to it it will slip through your fingers, but God doesn’t ever change.

  • He is the one thing that is fixed in life. He is the one thing you can hold on that will always be there. His decrees, His holiness, His truths, His love are the only true stability.

  • This psalm speaks of a king whose throne is fixed in place amidst the “floods.” That’s the kind of stability that we as humans long for.

  • It doesn’t matter how chaotic the “floods” of your life become; God is never moving! His throne isn’t going to be washed away! Grab on to His throne and let Him give you stability in life, in death, and in eternity.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 92 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study