Psalm 86 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 86 Short Summary:

Psalm 86 was written by David, and it is a straightforward plea for God’s help in a day of trouble. David asked for God’s help, mercy, grace, and encouragement to get him through a time of oppression brought on by insolent and godless men.

Psalm 86 Summary and Bible Study
Psalm 86 Outline and Application

Psalm 86 Summary


  • Psalm 86 is a psalm of David.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • A plea for God’s help in a day of trouble.

  • God, the Lord of Lords, can deliver anyone from their day of trouble.


  • Sheol (86:13) - The place of the dead, the grave.

  • Insolent (86:14) - Being contemptuous, rude, arrogant, and lacking respect.


  • A PRAYER FOR GOD’S HELP (86:1-17):

    • Psalm 86 is another Psalm written by David, and it returns to some similar themes we’ve seen in David’s previous psalms.

    • David was crying out to the Lord for help with a tough situation. We don’t know all the details about his situation, but its clear he was relying on the Lord to get him through.

    • He asked God to listen to his prayer, preserve his life, give him grace, teach him His ways, and gladden his soul.

    • David knew the God of Israel could get him out of His “day of trouble” because Israel’s God was superior to any of the foreign gods worshipped by other nations.

    • David was once again struggling with enemies. Insolent and godless men had risen up to oppose him.

    • In contrast to them, God was gracious, merciful, and slow to anger, full of steady love, and faithfulness.

    • David asked for God’s strength, and he asked the Lord to show him a sign.

    • This sign would signal the Lord’s support for David and would put David’s enemies to shame.


  • God doesn’t get tired hearing your repetitive prayers, as long as they are prayed from a faithful heart.

  • I don’t have an exact count, but David has dedicated at least 2 dozen psalms to asking God for help with his enemies.

  • God didn’t get tired of hearing David or else He wouldn’t have included these in the Bible.

  • There may be prayers that you have to pray repeatedly, maybe you need help with a sin, maybe a family member has a chronic illness, maybe your church has a persistent problem, maybe you’re praying for direction but haven’t found it.  

  • God wants to hear those requests. He isn’t going to put you on mute because He’s tired of listening to the same things.

  • So, don’t grow discouraged thinking you’re annoying God. Repetitive prayers prayed from the right heart are a mark of someone who looks to God daily and leans on Him constantly for help with life’s toughest challenges.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 87 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


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