Psalm 84 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 84 Short Summary:

The sons of Korah dedicated Psalm 84 to talking about their love for being in the presence of God, specifically the Temple in Jerusalem. According to them, there was no better place to be, and those who travelled to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple had their footsteps blessed by God. They wrote that a day in God’s courts as a servant (doorkeeper) was better than any day living with the wicked.

Psalm 84 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 84 Outline and Application

Psalm 84 Summary


  • Psalm 84 is a psalm of the sons of Korah.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • There is no better place to be than in the presence of God.


  • Courts (84:2) – A king’s court consists of those who are regularly allowed into his presence, many making their home in the palace.

  • The Valley of Baca (84:6) – If this was a geographic location, its identity is unknown. Baca may have been a particularly dry valley on the road to Jerusalem. Most interpreters believe the word “Baca” should be understood to carry the idea of lamentation and difficulty. Therefore, passing through the Valley of Baca was to pass through a sad and desolate place.



    • The sons of Korah loved to be in the courts of God. He seems to be alluding to the Temple in Jerusalem, which had a physical courtyard, but it is equally applicable to any place the psalmist felt the peace and safety of God’s presence.

    • God’s presence was a place where everyone could find tranquility. The psalmist described it as a place where birds felt safe to build their nests and raise their young (84:3).

    • The psalmist wrote, “Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise! Selah” (84:4).

    • Blessed is the man who follows the example of the birds, who makes God’s house the home of his heart and sings continually to the Creator.

    • Blessed are those whose hearts long to be on the highways to Zion. Those who travelled to Jerusalem regularly to be at the House of God.

    • The writer said they would travel through the Valley of Baca, and make it a place of springs and pools.

    • They walked through this place of desolation and brought life to it.

    • God gave them strength for their journey. They weren’t like other pilgrims who grew increasingly exhausted the longer their journey went on, rather God made them stronger with every step they took towards Jerusalem (84:7).

    • Being in God’s courts, even as a servant (a doorkeeper), was better than any day living with wicked people.

    • Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, who is the sun and a shield to all that love Him.


  • The goal of Bible study isn’t to memorize a list of God’s rules and a bunch of facts about God. Bible study should be done with the anticipation that the Word of God will carve inroads into our hearts and change our affections.

  • We want the words to penetrate our hearts so we will grow to love the things of God more than the things of the world.

  • The psalmist knew people to whom this had happened. Their hearts really delighted in God.

  • “How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion!” (84:5).

  • These people couldn’t wait to get on the road to go to Jerusalem. It was their hearts joy to go to the Temple and worship.

  • Can you think of a road that gives you joy? One that leads you to a place you like to go? For me and my brothers it was the road to camp every summer. We only took that road once a year, so when we were on it, our hearts were happy. There was no other road we would have rather been on.

  • That is the goal of Bible study, to delight in God’s way. To map the highway to Him on our hearts. To worship as we walk, knowing there is no better road. The destination is sweet, and the strength to reach the end comes from God.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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