Psalm 64 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 64 Short Summary:

In Psalm 64, David asked God to preserve his life from his enemies, wicked men who wanted to ruin him and other godly people. These wicked men worked super hard to lay secret traps for innocent people. They were clever in their craft, but God is cleverer. David wrote of His confidence that God would upend the traps of the wicked and destroy them with their own devices.

Psalm 64 Bible study and summary
Psalm 64 Outline and Application

Psalm 64 Summary


  • David wrote Psalm 64.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • The wicked lay secret traps for innocent people.

  • God will expose the traps of the wicked, ruin those who promote injustice, and save the innocent.


  • Whet (64:3) - To sharpen, usually in reference to a sword or knife.



    • In Psalm 64, David asked God to preserve his life from his enemies, wicked men who wanted to ruin him and other godly people.

    • David described these men as devising “secret plots” to harm the righteous.

    • They had tongues like swords and used words like arrows to ambush innocent people.

    • Instead of devoting their time to honorable things, they devoted it to disguising their traps.

    • They were students of injustice. They were hardworking and persistent in their practice of it, and their desire was to continue perverting it.


    • David was certain that the hard work and clever trap laying of his enemies wasn’t enough to deceive God.

    • God would expose them and bring them to ruin. He would cause their own mischievous tongues to turn against them.

    • God’s humiliation of these men would be an observable lesson about His power and omniscience (God is all-knowing).

    • David encouraged righteous people to rejoice, because their God would expose and judge their enemies.


  • Modern day evil people work just as hard plotting their injustices as they did in David’s day.  

  • There are some very clever bad people in the world. They are constantly working hard to execute and conceal their plots.

  • They have an agenda of injustice, and they are willing to put in some serious time to see it accomplished.

  • Are we as Christians putting forth the same amount of effort to see Jesus’ agenda accomplished.

  • I find that sometimes the members of God’s Church can barely be bothered to give the Lord their time.

  • All their energy and brainpower go towards their secular pursuits, and they give very little thought or vigor to advancing the Kingdom of God.

  • Sometimes you see churches repeating the same ineffective programs and strategies year after year because no one will step up to be innovative.

  • While the Church’s strength doesn’t necessarily depend on the innovation of men, it’s a shame to see believers outworked and less devoted to their agenda than the evil people are to their agenda of injustice.

  • We need to make sure we’re giving the best of ourselves to what matters most!

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 65 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 63 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study