Psalm 39 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 39 Short Summary:

In Psalm 39, David resolved to hold his tongue in the presence of wicked people, but he almost broke his resolve and lashed out at them. Instead, he vented his frustrations to God. He asked God to teach him the brevity of life, to forgive his sins, and to help him in his trials as he tried to do the Lord’s will.

Psalm 39 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 39 Outline and Application

Psalm 39 Summary


  • Psalm 39 is a psalm of David.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • Our tongues are dangerous, and they must be controlled.

  • Life is short, and that realization should cause us to put our hope in God.


  • Muzzle (39:1) – A muzzle is a device put around the mouth of a dog to keep them from barking or biting. In Psalm 39, David figuratively muzzled his own mouth to keep him from saying things he shouldn’t say.

  • Muse (39:3) – To be absorbed in thought.  



    • David resolved himself not to speak while in the presence of wicked people. He did not want to sin with his words.

    • But something about the wicked people almost caused him to break his resolution. We aren’t told exactly what it was, maybe he wanted to defend himself against their attacks, maybe he wanted to confront them for speaking disrespectfully about God, or maybe he wanted to lash out at them for their crimes.

    • They stirred David up so much that his resolution was almost overwhelmed by his emotions.


    • Instead of voicing his emotions to the wicked people, David spoke to the Lord, and his prayer is recorded in the remaining verses of Psalm 39.

    • He asked God to teach him to number his days, to teach him about the brevity of life.

    • A righteous man appreciates how little time he lives, but the wicked act as if they are going to live forever.

    • The life of a man is like one breath to God, like a shadow on the sundial that only lasts for an hour.

    • With this reality before him, David decided to put his hope in God.

    • He wasn’t going to be like the wicked people who spent all their time gathering up earthly treasures just to lose them when their short lives ended.

    • David asked God to forgive his sins.

    • He asked God to help him through this period of strong emotions, and to give him peace so that he could “smile again” (39:13).


  • If you need to vent strong emotions to someone, vent them to God.

  • It is very hard to control your words and prevent yourself from sinning when you are overcome with emotion, whether that emotion comes from anger, jealousy, revenge, bitterness, heartbreak, or betrayal.

  • Our tongues are dangerous, and they can do a lot of damage.

  • James 3:5-6 - So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.

  • Your most wisely chosen words usually don’t come when you are in the throes of emotion.

  • Instead of quickly lashing out at other people, even if they are in the wrong, let your first conversation be with God.

  • You can defuse your emotions on Him, and He will give you wisdom to handle the situation moving forward.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 38 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study