Psalm 32 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 32 Short Summary:

Psalm 32 is a meditation on the relief David felt after confessing his sins to God. He had tried to hide them, to bury them, but that only brought more stress into his life. He confessed them and found happiness and peace with God. He encouraged other people to humble themselves and do the same.

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Psalm 32 Summary


  • David is the author Psalm 32.


  • Romans 4:7-8


  • Confession brings peace.

  • Stubbornly resisting confession will destroy your relationship with God and destroy you internally.


  • Blessed (32:1) – The Hebrew word translated “blessed” in Psalm 32:1-2 carries the idea of happiness. A forgiven man is a happy man, in contrast to the unhappy condition of living in unconfessed sin.



    • Psalm 32 is a meditation on the relief a person feels after confessing sin to God.

    • David wrote, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered” (32:1).

    • A man who has confessed his sins with and honest and open heart will find happiness is the mercy of God.

    • David wrote about his own experience living in unconfessed sin, when he was suppressing his sins, and refusing to acknowledge them.

    • He said he “wasted away” during those days, and God’s hand was heavy on him.

    • When he finally humbled himself and confessed, God forgave him, and he found relief.

    • David encouraged other people to confesses their sins before it was too late.

    • He wanted people to turn away from their sins willingly, not to be like a stubborn horse that had to be turned with a bit in its mouth.

    • True peace and happiness are found in being honest with the Lord about your shortcomings.

    • Not acknowledging your sins will destroy you.

    • “Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord” (32:10).


  • People often don’t confess their sins because they are afraid of the shame they’ll receive from others, even members of the Church.

  • It should be emphasized that there is no shame in confession, there is shame in living in unrepented sin, but confession is the path back to God.

  • As members of the Church, we need to be careful about the way we respond to people who confess.

  • We should never heap additional shame on a person who has repented. Shame on us if we gossip about or ostracize people who honestly confess.

  • In the psalm, God gives peace to the confessor.

  • The Church needs to be compounding and reinforcing that feeling of peace, not contradicting it.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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