Psalm 28 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 28 Short Summary:

David cries out to God for help and strength. He asks God to punish evildoers with the justice they deserve for their wickedness. He concludes Psalm 28 with a prayer for God to strengthen His people, the nation of Israel, to shepherd them and save them from their enemies.

Psalm 28 Bible study and Summary
Psalm 28 Outline and Application

Psalm 28 Summary


  • Psalm 28 was written by David.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • God is a shield of help to His people.

  • God will repay evildoers by rendering to “them their due reward” (28:4).  

  • The nation of Israel relied on God as their shepherd.


  • God’s Anointed – In the context of Psalm 28, God’s anointed one refers to David. The prophet Samuel was instructed by God to anoint David with oil, signifying that he would be the next king of Israel.



    • David begins the 28th psalm in a familiar way, asking God to hear his prayers for mercy and support him.

    • He didn’t want his fate to be the same as those who worked wickedness on the earth.

    • He wanted those men to be punished for their evil, but he wanted God to be his “strength and shield.”

    • Not only did David want God to help him, but all of his people (the nation of Israel).

    • David knew that God was the strength of the nation and without Him they had no power at all.

    • David prayed, “Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever” (28:9).


  • It was very common for David to begin his psalms requesting God’s ear, asking God to hear his prayers.

  • Although we have promises from God that He will hear our prayers, its wise to keep in mind that God doesn’t owe us His ear.

  • God isn’t required to listen just because we open our mouths to ask something from Him.

  • He listens because He loves us, not because He owes us. So, don’t take it for granted that you can talk to God whenever you want.

  • Remember that prayer is a privilege, and God’s attentiveness to us is an astounding honor.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 29 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 27 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study