Psalm 21 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 21 Short Summary:

Psalm 21 can be broken down into two parts. In the first part, David rejoices in God for making him king. He acknowledges that his reign and riches come from God, and that without God he is nothing. In the second part of the psalm, David declares that God will seek out and destroy all His enemies. No enemy of God will escape His power.

Psalm 21 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 21 Outline and Application

Psalm 21 Summary


  • King David authored Psalm 21.


  • No known New Testament References.


  • The power and authority of kings is a gift from God.

  • None of God’s enemies will escape His power.


  • Selah – This word appears over 70 times in the Psalms. Scholars have tried for years to discover the true meaning of the word, but it remains somewhat of a mystery. Some scholars think it’s a musical pause or a literary pause, calling on the reader to stop and ponder what was just stated.  Other scholars propose its meaning is related to worship, an expression of praise to God. Still others suggest it’s a literary device used by the ancients to mark themes that run through the text. The only other book in the Bible where “Selah” is found is the book of Habakkuk.



    • David begins Psalm 21 rejoicing in the Lord for the way He blessed his reign.

    • David knew it was God’s strength, not his own, that established him on the throne of Israel.

    • The wealth of the king was a result of God’s blessing, and it was the Lord who put the crown on his head.

    • David wrote, “His [David’s] glory is great through your [God’s] salvation” (21:5).

    • David acknowledged that his ability to remain on the throne depended on God, and he would have no majesty or splendor apart from God.

    • Unlike other kings, David didn’t lose his humility when ascended the throne.


    • God will find His enemies and destroy them.

    • “The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them” (21:9).

    • No evil person who devises wicked plans can succeed against God.

    • David concludes the psalm with a statement of praise, saying, “Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power” (21:13).


  • You don’t have to be royalty to worship God for blessing you and giving you a good life.

  • The blessings in our lives are from God: Our health, families, homes, comforts, friends, food, vehicles, money, jobs, etc.

  • If you wait to worship God until you’re a king or a queen, you’re making a mistake.

  • Worship God now for filling your life with good things. At every stage of your life, there are always things to give thanks for.

  • David’s situation may have been different than ours, but his example can be applied to every life.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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Psalm 20 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study