Psalm 2 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 2 Short Summary:

Psalm 2 describes how the rulers of earthly nations oppose God’s Anointed, God’s chosen king, but God’s chosen king cannot be defeated. He reigns in superiority to all other kings. His allies find refuge in him. His enemies will find their ruin in him. Psalm 2 is quoted several times in the New Testament including in Peter’s speech in Acts 4:24-28.

Psalm 2 Bible Study
Psalm 2 Outline and application

Psalm 2 Summary


  • David (Acts 4:25)


  • Acts 4:25-28; 13:33; Revelation 2:27; Hebrews 1:5; 5:5


  • The rulers of earthly nations oppose God’s anointed, God’s chosen king.

  • God’s chosen king cannot be defeated.

  • He reigns in superiority to all other kings. His allies find refuge in him. His enemies will find their ruin in him.


  • Zion – Zion refers to the hill/mountain where David’s palace was built in Jerusalem. This area was on the southeast side of the city. Zion is sometimes used to refer to the city of Jerusalem as a whole.



    • The psalmist begins describing how the kings of the earth oppose God’s “Anointed.”

    • They plot to overthrow the plans of God.

    • But God laughs at their scheming because they cannot succeed against Him.

    • God decreed that His king would reign from Zion and would not be overthrown. Zion was the location of David’s throne and the power center of the Israelite nation.

    • God said of His anointed king, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you” (2:7).

    • Anyone who opposed God’s king would be dashed in pieces, like pottery smashed by an iron rod.

    • The psalmist concludes by telling rulers of the earth to ally with God’s king and find refuge in him. Those who oppose Him will find themselves the target of his wrath.


  • This psalm and others have duel prophetic meanings. The Holy Spirit inspired the psalmists to write about what God was planning to do in the future, and Psalm 2 is a great example of this.

  • There is a sense in which David was a son of God. It was definitely true that foreign kings opposed David and schemed against him, hoping to topple him from his throne.

  • The psalm is true of David, but it has a fuller and greater fulfilment in a future event, the life of Christ.

  • Jesus is THE Son of God. He is the King that was opposed by the “kings of the earth.” The nations raged against Him hoping to destroy Him. He is the King who God has set on the throne to rule over His people. He is the one whose reign cannot be opposed.

  • The Apostles in Acts 4:25-28 acknowledged that this psalm was referring to Jesus. The nations (Rome and the Jews) and their rulers (Pontius Pilate, the High Priest, and Herod) raged against Jesus trying to destroy Him.

  • Ultimately, they were unsuccessful. The Son of God reigns as king. He offers refuge to those who ally with Him, but He will crush anyone who opposes Him, like an iron rod against a clay pot.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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