Psalm 150 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 150 Short Summary:

Psalm 150 is the last psalm in the collection. This final psalm is one last encouragement to praise and worship the God of Heaven. His mighty deeds and “excellent greatness” make him worthy of praise. Psalm 150 brings the Book of Psalms to a close with these words, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

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Psalm 150 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 150 Outline, Explanation, and Application

Psalm 150 Summary


  • The author of Psalm 150 is unknown.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • Praise God for His mighty deeds and “excellent greatness.”


  • Lute (150:3) – A stringed instrument similar to a guitar. Lutes come in a variety of shapes and sizes with varying string count.



    • It seems fitting that the Psalms should conclude with this simple and straightforward psalm of worship.

    • Each of the 6 verses of Psalm 150 contain the phrase “Praise the Lord” or “Praise Him.”

    • God was to be praised from the holy places of the earth to the height of the heavens.

    • He was worthy of the praise because of His “mighty deeds” and His “excellent greatness.”

    • The psalmist called for musicians to join in the praise with trumpets, lutes, harps, tambourines, stringed instruments, pipes, and cymbals.

    • Psalm 150 brings the collection of 150 psalms to a fitting end with the words, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (150:6).


  • The 150 Psalms have a wide variety of subject matters.

  • They were written by people at various stages of their lives and under varying circumstances.

  • Some were on mountaintops of faith, while others were in valleys of depression.

  • One thing we learn from all of them, is that no matter what stage of life we’re in, God listens to us, He cares about us, He can always be trusted, and He is always to be praised.

  • These themes run consistently through the Psalms, and they should run consistently through our lives. As we travers the hills and valleys of life, our environment changing daily, let’s remember these truths.

  • Circumstances are not consistent, not always steady, and certainly not always predictable, but the God of the Psalms, our God, will act as a steadying hand over our lives if we learn to trust Him and worship Him the way the psalmists did.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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Psalm 149 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study