Psalm 143 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 142 Short Summary:

Psalm 143, like Psalm 142 before it, was written by David during a hard time in his life. Troubles in David’s life had left his soul exhausted. His soul was desperately in need of God’s help. In his downcast state, he intentionally meditated on the great works of God from the past. His hope was in the Lord to deliver him just as the Lord had delivered so many of His saints in the past.

Psalm 143 Summary


  • David wrote Psalm 143.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • A soul thirsty for God in a wilderness full of enemies.


  • Pit (143:7) – “The pit” in the Book of Psalms sometimes refers to a literal pit (hole in the ground), but it is also used to refer to death. Going down “to the pit” can be interpreted as going down into death or into the grave.



    • Psalm 143, like Psalm 142 before it, was written by David during a hard time in his life.

    • He was tired of constant threats from his enemies, he felt like they were a weight on his back crushing him to the ground.

    • His soul was exhausted.

    • In his exhaustion, he meditated on all of God’s great deeds of the past.

    • He realized that his soul was thirsty for God, and he asked God to come help him.

    • Through his trouble he asked the Lord to teach him how to do His will.

    • He wrote, “Teach me to do your will, for You are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!” (143:10).

    • He wasn’t going to let his problems destroy his walk with God, he asked God to use his problems to teach him how to walk more closely with God.  


  • Notice what David chose to focus on during his difficult days.

  • “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.” (143:5).

  • He didn’t sit around in self-imposed depression dwelling on how things weren’t working out for him and how nothing was going his way.

  • He brought to mind God’s great works that he knew about from history.

  • When we remind ourselves of all of God’s works throughout time, we can pick ourselves up and reassure ourselves that, while things may not be going our way in the moment, God has a perfect track record of helping His saints, and He will guide us out of our predicaments when the time is right, just like He has guided His saints for generations.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 144 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 142 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study