Psalm 14 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 14 Short Summary:

In Psalm 14, David speaks out against those who don’t acknowledge God and live evil lies. He writes, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” While they refuse to acknowledge God, they live in constant fear of His reality and the support He gives to those who love Him.

Psalm 14 Bible Study and Summary
Psalm 14 Outline and Application

Psalm 14 Summary


  • According to Psalm 14:1, King David authored Psalm 14.


  • Romans 3:10-12


  • “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

  • God is always watching over the earth, seeking people who want to know Him and watching over those who love Him.


  • Jacob – Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac. Jacob was the father of the 12 patriarchs, the men from which the 12 tribes of Israel would take their names. Sense he was the father of the nation of Israel, his name is sometimes used to refer to the nation collectively. You’ll see it used this way in Psalm 14:7.



    • Fools tell themselves God does not exist.

    • This leads them to live lives full of corruption and “abominable deeds.”

    • David wrote, “There is none who does good, not even one” (14:3).

    • David was astounded by the ignorance of these evil people. He asked, “Have they no knowledge?” Were they really not aware that God was watching the earth and watching them abuse other people?

    • While fools pretend God doesn’t exist, the truth is, God is always looking down from heaven searching for men and women who want to know Him (14:2).

    • Even though these men try to convince themselves God isn’t real, they live in constant fear because inwardly they know it’s a lie (14:5). 

    • God is their enemy, but He is the friend of the righteous.

    • David prayed for Israel to be delivered from wickedness.

    • He longed to see “Jacob” (see definitions section) rejoice when God delivered them. 


  • Much of the world, especially the “academic” world, will try to convince you atheism, the belief that there is no god, is the position of the intelligent and the intellectual.

  • The Bible frames it very differently. The psalmist writes that atheism is a view held by fools.

  • Is there evidence that God exists? Of course! Look at the creation, its complexity and its intricacy.

  • Deep down, all men know God exists. They may pretend otherwise, they may block out the evidence supporting His existence so they can live their lives as they wish, they may accept poorly pieced together theories in place of God, but deep down they know they are lying to themselves.

  • Don’t let anyone convince you belief in God is irrational.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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