Proverbs 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Proverbs 9 Short Summary:

In Proverbs 9, Solomon puts forward the image of 2 women who prepare two tables for a meal. Lady Wisdom invites men to her table to learn the ways of wisdom and get life. Lady Folly invites men to her table to learn the ways of sin and to throw away their lives.

Proverbs 9 Bible Study and Explanation
Proverbs 9 Outline and Summary

Proverbs 9 Summary


  • Lady Wisdom invites men to the table to become wise.

  • Lady Folly invites men to her table to die in their foolishness.


  • Scoffer (9:7) – A Mocker; Someone who makes fun of something or someone.

  • Sheol (9:18) – The place of departed souls; the grave.



    • Solomon once again personifies the virtue of wisdom as a woman, this time as a woman who has furnished her house and table for guests.

    • Her table is spread, and her messengers are sent into the streets to invite simple people to come into her house and learn the ways of wisdom and the ways of life.


    • Solomon advises his readers to be careful not to waste their time correcting fools.

    • When a fool receives a word of correction, he lashes out at the one correcting him. A fool refuses to recognize his faults or take responsibility for them.

    • But if you correct a wise man for an error, he will accept the correction and use it to become an even wiser man in the future.

    • Solomon writes, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (9:10, see also 1:7).


    • Lady Wisdom invites people to her home to learn wisdom, but another invitation is also available.

    • Lady Folly invites simple men into her home to learn the ways of sin.

    • She is seductive, alluring men through their passions.

    • Her house and table are furnished with stolen goods. She is not like Lady Wisdom who furnishes her table with hard work and honest gain.

    • She offers what is forbidden and makes it look enticing, but her food poisons her guests, and her house is full of dead men’s bones.  


  • This application is for women who are seeking after godliness.

  • There is a big temptation for women to seek attention from men using their bodies, physical appeal, honey glazed lips, and speech smoother than oil (5:3).

  • But what does Solomon say about the type of men who give those women attention? Those type of men are foolish men.

  • You can get attention from fools all day long, but are those the men you really want to attract? Do you want to marry a fool?

  • Look at the way Lady Wisdom is described in Proverbs 8 and 9. She is industrious (9:1) she is hardworking (9:2), her words are virtuous (8:6), her presence is lifegiving (8:35), and she draws those close to her closer to the Lord (8:35).

  • Lady Wisdom’s invitation attracts a different kind of man, a thoughtful, godly, and wise man.

  • While Proverbs 9 isn’t technically about attracting a spouse. I do think its principles are instructive in teaching us that the way we present ourselves affects the people that come into our lives.

  • If a woman wants a wise husband, she’ll attract him primarily through her hard work, her virtue, and her closeness to God.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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