Owning Your New Identity in Christ

When I was 12 years old, I was graciously adopted by my mother’s new husband, the man I now call my father. I was given a new last name, but I was struggling internally. I was struggling with my identity. No matter how much love my parents showed me, I still felt unloved. You see, I couldn’t help but wonder why my biological father didn’t want me. Why he made choices that meant he couldn’t be in my life. Why I wasn’t good enough for him to choose me. And so I fought against my new adopted identity.

I struggled with this throughout my teenage years. I sought love and tried to find my identity in people, sports, in drugs, in alcohol, in food, in clothing, a career, in fitness, and you know what? All those things failed me. My poor parents were patient but man I bet I drove them crazy.

It was not until I realized my true identity in Christ that I was able to finally find freedom from proving myself to others. Scripture says, when I was baptized into Christ for the remission of sins, I put on Christ and was adopted into His kingdom. Adopted into a family that is unshakable. I was given a new purpose. It took a while for me to become secure in this new adopted identity, but once I did, my whole world changed.

There are people now that are advocating that we should find our confidence in ourselves, and find our “best self” but sisters, there is so much freedom in finding your security in Christ. When my identity changed, I discovered a new potential, a new love, and an ability to serve.When I put on Christ, God gave me a new name. I am His child. And because of that, my new, adopted identity allows me to face trials, find hope, and walk with purpose in a way that looks different from the world.

When we are not confident in our identities as children of God, we cannot reach our full potentials because we will spend our time trying to find ourselves in others things like our careers, our marriages, fitness, food, etc. All of focus will be on the creature, rather than the creator.

Questions for this week:

1. What/Who do you currently find your identity in?

2. What does a Christ like identity look like?

3. What do you struggle with the most when it comes to your identity as a Christian?

4. Do people on your social media know that you are a Christian?

5. Read Galatians 3:27, how does this tell us to get INTO Christ and accomplish our new identities?

Just a little reminder that if you are in Christ, own your new identity, and be a light that reflects back to a God, people are watching you. If you’re not IN Christ, message me and we can study together. It is the best decision someone can make 💜


4 Lessons I Gained from Gideon

