Matthew 4 Summary - Quick Bible Study

Matthew 4 summary
Matthew 4 outline

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  • WHEN:

    • The birth of Jesus probably occurred around 4 B.C..

    • From Luke 3:23, we know Jesus began His ministry when He was about 30 years old.

    • This would place the events of Jesus’ ministry roughly between 26-31 A.D..


    • Jesus - The Messiah. The Son of God who came to save the world from sin.

    • John - Son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. A prophet tasked with preparing the people for the arrival of the Messiah (the Savior).

    • Satan - The tempter, the enemy of God and men.

    • Peter, Andrew, James, and John - 4 fishermen from Galilee who became Jesus’ disciples.

  • WHERE:

    • Jesus was tempted in the wilderness (likely the wilderness of Judea).

    • Jesus moved to Capernaum to begin His ministry in Galilee.

    • *See the map above.


    • THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS (4:1-4:11):

      • The Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness.

      • In preparation for a period of temptation, Jesus fasted 40 days.

      • Satan tempted Jesus three different ways:

        • 1. Turning stones to bread.

        • 2. Jumping from the pinnacle of the Temple.

        • 3. Worshipping Satan to receive the glory of the kingdoms of the earth.

      • Jesus refused to give into Satan and rebuked him 3 times with scripture.

      • After trying and failing to get Jesus to sin, the devil departed.


      • John had been arrested for preaching, so Jesus went north to Galilee.

      • He made His home in Capernaum, a city by the Sea of Galilee.

      • This fulfilled a prophecy in Isaiah 9:1-2.

      • Jesus began preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”


      • While at the Sea of Galilee, Jesus called Andrew and Peter to follow Him.

      • Shortly after, He called John and his brother James to be His disciples.

      • All 4 men left their profession of fishing and followed Jesus.

      • Jesus went through the region of Galilee preaching in the synagogues.

      • He healed large numbers of sick and demon possessed people.

      • He amassed a large following from Judea, the Decapolis, and beyond Jordan.


      • Jesus’ success over the Devil was necessary for Him to complete His work on earth.

      • Jesus came to the earth to sacrifice Himself for the sins of mankind.

      • If Jesus had been a sinner Himself, He wouldn’t have been able to be the Savior, He would have needed a savior like the rest of us.

      • But being sinless, He was able to sacrifice Himself as the spotless and pure Lamb of God.


      • Jesus was able to refuse the Devil’s temptations because He knew the Devil had nothing to offer Him.

      • He knew Satan was a liar and a fraud.

      • He combatted Satan’s lies with the truths found in God’s word.

      • Satan tempts us the same way. He lies to us all the time!

      • The only way to see around the lies, is to have a foundation in truth.

      • Do you know God’s word (the scriptures) well enough to identify when Satan is lying to you?

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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