Matthew 23 Summary - Quick Bible Study

Matthew 23 summary
Matthew 23 outline

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  • WHEN:

    • The birth of Jesus probably occurred around 4 B.C..

    • From Luke 3:23, we know Jesus began His ministry when He was about 30 years old.

    • This would place the events of Jesus’ ministry roughly between 26-31 A.D..


    • Jesus - The Messiah. The Son of God.

    • Disciples - Jesus’ followers and students.

    • Scribes and Pharisees - Jews who opposed Jesus’ ministry from the beginning.

  • WHERE:

    • All of the events of chapter 23 occurred in-and-around Jerusalem during the week leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross.



      • In this section, Jesus publicly condemned the scribes and Pharisees.

      • He rebuked them for craving the honor and praise of men.

      • He rebuked them for laying heavy religious burdens on the common people.

      • He pronounced several ”woes” on them for their ungodly behavior.

      • “Woe to you... for you shut the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces.”

      • Woe to you... for you convert people only to make them as evil as yourselves.

      • Woe to you blind guides who misguide the thinking of those you teach.

      • “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.” 

      • “Woe to you... for you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness.”

      • Woe to you for you celebrate the prophets your ancestors killed, but by your actions you affirm you would have killed them too.

      • Jesus called them “serpents” and a “brood of vipers” and told them they would not escape the fires of hell.

    • JESUS MOURNS OVER JERUSALEM (23:37-23:39):

      • Jesus loved the city of Jerusalem and its citizens.

      • He didn’t want to see the Jews who lived there be punished.

      • But He knew God would not allow their evil to go unpunished forever.


    • Jesus loved the city of Jerusalem and its citizens.

    • He didn’t want to see the Jews who lived there be punished.

    • But He knew God would not allow their evil to go unpunished forever.


    • Be careful before you accuse God of being unfair and harsh.

    • A favorite tactic of unbelievers is to point back to the Old Testament, to passages about judgement, and to accuse God of being bloodthirst and mean.

    • But a proper reading of the text reveals that view to be false.

    • Yes, God will punish evil people, but the Bible shows us God is not quick to execute His judgements.

    • Judgement is usually preceded by a period of extended patience.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Matthew 24 Summary - Quick Bible Study


Matthew 22 Summary - Quick Bible Study