Luke 10 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
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The events of chapter 10 were part of Jesus’ ministry on earth.
These events took place between approximately 26-31 A.D..
Jesus - The Savior, son of God.
72 Disciples - Selected by Jesus to preach the gospel throughout various towns and villages.
A Lawyer - An expert in the Jewish law who asked Jesus what he needed to do to have eternal life.
The Good Samaritan - A character created by Jesus to teach the lawyer about loving his neighbors.
Martha and Mary - Sisters who lived in the village of Bethany.
Chorazin, Bethany, and Capernaum - Cities condemned by Jesus for their rejection of the Gospel.
Road from Jerusalem to Jericho - A 15 miles road through the wilderness, popular with robbers and thieves.
Bethany - A village a few miles east of Jerusalem.
Jesus selected 72 disciples and sent them to preach in the cities He was going to visit.
They were not to concern themselves with making provisions for their trip but would rely on hospitality.
They were told to heal the sick and announce the arrival of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus announced “woes” against three specific cities for their unwillingness to repent of sin.
The citizens of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum had heard the words of God and witnessed many miracles but refused to turn to God.
Those who rejected the message of the 72 were really rejecting the message of God.
THE 72 COMPLETE THEIR WORK (10:17-10:24):
The 72 returned to Jesus after completing their assignment.
They were amazed at the power of God that had worked through them to cast out demons.
Jesus praised God for His plan to save mankind.
He told the disciples they could know God by knowing Him.
THE GOOD SAMARITAN (10:25-10:37):
A lawyer asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life.
Jesus told him he needed to love God with all his heart and love his neighbor as himself.
The lawyer, believing himself to be righteous, asked Jesus, “who is my neighbor?”
In response, Jesus told him a parable about a kind Samaritan man (the Jews disliked the Samaritans).
Through the parable, Jesus revealed to the lawyer he was not as righteous as he believed himself to be.
MARTHA AND MARY (10:38-42):
In the village of Bethany, Jesus and His Apostles visited the home of two sister, Martha and Mary.
Martha got angry at Mary because she was listening to Jesus teach instead of helping her serve the guests.
Jesus corrected Martha’s thinking and showed her Mary’s priority for spiritual things was commendable.
Jesus was introducing a Kingdom of God that would span across nationalities and social strata. This is observed in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the fact that the gospel preached by the 72 was offered to anyone willing to listen, and Jesus’ words about the gospel being accepted by those who were like “little children” (10:21).
Spiritual things should always be given top priority. There are many “good works” we can involve ourselves in (like Martha) but the spiritual things are the “necessary” things (10:42).
The Parable of the Good Samaritan is a lesson against prejudice of all kind. If the Jews and Samaritans were to be neighbors to one another, so should all people, no matter what tensions exist from their past.